[Tango-A] NA-C, NA-E, NA-W: Reminder: Special weekend with Pablo Veron, the star of "the Tango Lesson" in Chicago

Tango Éclectique tangoeclectique at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 12:22:41 EDT 2008

Pablo Veron & Rachel Greenberg will be conducting intensive workshops
exclusively for intermediate/advanced dancers in a progressive manner.

The workshops will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel in Skokie, IL on
Saturday August 9 and Sunday August 10.
Please send an email to tangoeclectique at gmail.com or call 312.823.4859.

All-Night Milonga with Special Guests ABC Channel 7 "Health and
Lifestyle" program, Pablo Veron &
Rachel Greenberg

Saturday, August 9  10pm - 5am

Versaille Ballroom - Double Tree Hotel in Skokie, IL

Please register online at http://www.regonline.com/pabloveron

Visit Pablo Veron's website http://www.pabloveron.net to read his bio
and see photos and videos.

Tango Eclectique

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