[Tango-A] NA-E: Victor & Gabriela in Atlanta,May 30-June 1

Ronda Patino rondap at mindspring.com
Tue Apr 29 11:14:01 EDT 2008

Please join these two Argentine Tango gems of the Southeast in Atlanta for
workshops and milongas the last weekend in May. Tango Rio is happy and proud
to present Victor Crichton & Gabriela Lopez!!

FRIDAY May 30 at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
*8:00 Using Momentum to create Dynamic Turns (Int/Adv)
      after class demo - Victor y Gabriela 
9:15 - Midnight MILONGA!

980 Briarcliff Rd. Atlanta 30306  
take a look

SATURDAY May 31 Workshops at Decatur School of Ballet
11:30 - 12:45 Ganchos (Int)   Workshop 1
2:30 - 3:45 Boleos (Int/Adv)  Workshop 2
4:00 - 5:15 Colgadas (Adv)    Workshop 3

102 Church Street Decatur, GA 30030

9:30 Saturday Milonga at Salsambo Studio 
1427 Mayson St. Atlanta, GA 30324 

SUNDAY June 1 at Decatur School of Ballet
12:30 - 1:45 Combos using Ganchos, Boleos & Colgadas (Adv) Workshop 4
 2:00 - 3:15  Volcadas (Int/Adv) Workshop 5
 3:30 - 5:00  Practica/Farewell Milonga

*Manuel & Ronda will teach an 8:00pm "Zero to Tango" Class on Friday at
Callanwolde - newcomers are welcome.  To best enjoy the 12:30 Sunday combos
class, please register for the 3 Sat workshops or have familiarity with
these elements.

Pricing: on or before May 20
Friday night special $15 includes class and milonga!
1 workshop $20, 2 workshops $35, 3 workshops $50, 4 workshops $65, 5
workshops $75
either milonga a la carte $10
~ALL INCLUSIVE~ $95  (Fri class, 5 workshops, 2 milongas and farewell

Please make checks payable to TANGO RIO
hand deliver or mail to Ronda Patino  1753 Marvin St  Atlanta, GA 30318

Hope you can join us!  questions rondap at mindspring.com  404-355-3202
details soon at www.tango-rio.com 

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