[Tango-A] NA-E: OMAR VEGA Class Series starts May 7 - register now!

Diane Ramo dramo at nyc.rr.com
Sat Apr 19 14:14:39 EDT 2008

Register now for OMAR VEGA's series of Milonga and Tango Traspie classes starting on May 7. 

This is a FIVE-class series: Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm: May 7, 14, 21, 28, and June 4. 
Omar will review the basics of milonga traspie and will continue to develop new choreography and improvisational techniques for Milonga and Tango Traspie. 

We already have a strong registration for the series, so we encourage you to register in advance, see contact info below. 



WEDNESDAYS May 7 - June 4

Milonga and Tango Traspie


Five week series: 5 classes for $100

Single class: $25 

Enrollment limited

Advance registration recommended

Chelsea Studios 151 W 26th Street, 6th Floor 

(between 6th and 7th) 

New York City

Contact: dramo at nyc.rr.com; 212 213 1780

OMAR VEGA of Buenos Aires, master teacher, tango professional for over 20 years, offers students authentic technique, musicality, and the keys to individual style and improvisation. Omar was one of the few teachers featured in the film, The Tango Lesson 

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