[Tango-A] NA-E: Reminder Facundo Posadas in Boston This Weekend, 19-20 April

ccdancer ccdancer at tangoluna.com
Fri Apr 18 11:43:58 EDT 2008

The Tango Society of Boston is pleased to welcome to Boston Facundo Posadas for a weekend of workshops this Weekend, 19-20 April.  Workshops start at 12 noon and go till 5pm both Saturday & Sunday.  At La Milonga this Saturday Night, Facundo will be out guest as we play music to dancers' delight, 19 April, from 8:30 to 1am. There will be plenty of refreshments served and exquisite hors d'ouevres.  So don't miss it.  

The seminar workshops will focus on Milonga Traspie and Milonga Candombe, including a class on dancing to Juan Carlos Caceres (Tango Negro) on Sunday.

For Further information about Tango events in Boston, visit the Boston Tango Calendar at www.bostontango.org or call 617-699-6246.  See you in Boston this weekend for workshops with Facundo in Traspie & Candombe and at La Milonga.

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