[Tango-A] Minnesota Heartland Tango Festival MAY 9 - 11

Sabine Ibes sabine at ibeslandscaping.com
Thu Apr 17 16:05:20 EDT 2008

There is still room to register at PRE-REGISTER PRICES till April 30!!

Minnesota Heartland Tango Festival * MAY 9 - 11, 2008 *

Master Teachers:

Brigitta Winkler,
Florencia Taccetti,
Cecilia Gonzalez,
Alex Krebs,
Donato Juarez,
Tomas Howlin


Conjunto Berretin and Mandragora


Shorey Myers,
Robin Thomas,
Ramu Pyreddy.

Highlights: 8 Milonga's, dinner/show/concert/milonga
30+ hours of dance classes for absolute beginners to super advanced, 
TEACHER TRAINING, and music classes.

For more info:

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