[Tango-A] NA-C: Orquesta Color Tango in Dallas, September 28-29

Stephen.P.Brown@dal.frb.org Stephen.P.Brown at dal.frb.org
Thu Sep 20 12:14:52 EDT 2007

ORQUESTRA COLOR TANGO, direct from Buenos Aires,
back by popular demand with 2 performances in Dallas
Friday September 28 & Saturday September 29

TRANSPORT YOURSELF TO BUENOS AIRES and the real spirit of Tango
for concert and open dance ?milonga?

CONCERT - La Poesia del Tango - Friday 28 September, 8:30-10:00 p.m., 
Dallas TX
At the formal concert-hall in the Latino Cultural Center,
one of the best known Tango Orchestras from Buenos Aires, Argentina,
 will play tango music from their latest CD, as well as the traditional 
repertoire. Award-winning singer Roberto Decarre will perform for the
first time in the US.
Tickets $20 (advance), $22 at the door.
tickets online: http://www.tangodallas.org

MILONGA - Dance music and culinary event  - Saturday 29 September, 8:30 
p.m. to 1:00 a.m., Dallas, TX
In a traditional historic Salon in the heart of the city with windows
overlooking the skyline, the Milonga will be a typical Buenos Aires
open dance event, where guests are seated at tables gathered around
a large wooden dance floor.
Wine & empanadas, coffee & alfajores, will be served.
Direct from Buenos Aires, ORCHESTRA COLOR TANGO, an internationally
known orchestra of 8 musicians including 2 bandoneons, will play 3 sets!
Tickets $50  including food/drink (advance). $55 at the door.
tickets online: http://www.tangodallas.org

Special Savings Packages including both concert and milonga are available 
on line.
For further information contact: colortango at tangodallas.org

Since their debut in 1989, ORQUESTA COLOR TANGO, under the direction of
ROBERTO ALVAREZ has become internationally known as one of the worlds
best tango orchestras, delighting musicians and dancers throughout the
Americas, Europe and Japan. In this their fourth visit to Dallas, they are 
to introduce the vocalist ROBERTO DECARRE to their Texas audiences.

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