[Tango-A] NA-E Monica Paz Milonguero Workshops in NYC this weekend!

Lexa Rosean tigerstango at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 13:37:55 EST 2007

*MÓNICA PAZ*1* TOUR IN NY: NOVEMBER 17**th** to 25**th**, 2007*
Champions Studios*

 257 W 39th street, 14th floor, New York , NY 10018 212-307-7707

 Conveniently located near several subway stops
*SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NOV 24th and 25th.*

The weekend workshops have been organized in a progressive sequence starting
with beginner level and moving to intermediate and advanced covering all the
dimensions/topics required for an elegant, smooth and harmonious dance.
Intermediate or advanced students who want to review the basics of close
embrace tango are welcome to take the workshop for beginners.

Check also Monica's Website

For more information contact Francesca at
*fbertelli at nyc.rr.com.*<fbertelli at nyc.rr.com.>

*Saturday, November 24**th**.*
*Workshop for Beginners* *"How to Incorporate Tango's Elements Using
Sensitivity and not Memory"*

*Registration: 2:00 PM. *

*Class: 2:15 to 3:15PM *

*VI- "Basic Tango Technique. The Connection with your Partner. Musicality,
Listening and Body Expression" ($15)*

* *
* "Basic Tango Technique"*

VI-1 Posture

VI-2 Walking

VI-3 Changes of Weight

VI-4 The "Cross" Step for Women

 *"The Connection with your Partner"*

VI-5 Embrace

VI-6 Leaning ("apile" - sharing of axis)

VI-7 Attitude, Intention, Energy (for the man) VI-8 Reaction (for the woman)
*"Musicality, Listening and Body Expression"*

VI-9 Simple Time

VI-10 Double Time

VI-11 Combinations of Times

*Class 3:30 to 6:00PM *

*VII- "Basic Sequences" * * ($35) *

* *

VII- 1 Basic Step

VII- 2 Awareness of Positions

VII- 3 Ochos Backwards

VII- 4 Different Resolutions for "Ochos" Backwards

VII- 5 Ocho "Cortado" o Ocho "Milonguero"

VII- 6 Giros Milongueros" to the Right

VII- 7 Giros Milongueros" to the Left

*It is strongly recommended to take the Basic Tango Technique, the
Connection with your Partner. Musicality, Listening and Body Expression
class before taking Basic Sequences class. *

*Cost of full afternoon workshop on Saturday from 2:15 to 6:00 pm: $40 *

*Sunday, November 25**th** *

*Workshop for** **Intermediates and Advanced*

*Rediscovering "El Tango Milonguero" and Enjoying It *

*The following classes are all connected as a sequence. The objective is to
develop elegant, smooth and harmonious dancing. *

*Registration: 2:00 PM. Class: 2:15 to 3:30PM *

*VIII- "Couple's Technique" ($20) *

VIII-1 Body Position

VIII-2 Attitude to Lead

VIII-3 Attitude to Follow

VIII-4 Reaction: How to React to the Marks

VIII-5 Intention: How to Lead Clearly

*3:30 to* *5:00PM *

*IX- **"**Interpretation, Elements of Improvisation and Advances Sequences"
($25) *

IX-1 Musical Sensitivity

IX-2 Pauses & double time

IX-3 Resources
IX-4 Changing Direction

IX-5 "Sacadas"

IX-6 "Voleos"

*It is strongly recommended to take the **Couple's Technique**'s class
before taking **Interpretation, Elements of Improvisation and Advances
Sequences** class. *

*Cost of the full workshop on Sunday from 2:15 to 5:00 pm: $35.*

*If in some of the classes there is any student at a lower level, individual
follow-up will be attempted without lowering the curriculum's level.
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