[Tango-A] Fabian Salas and Carolina Del Rivero - New Orleans Workshop - June 22, 23, 24

Fuad Adra fuadfadra at yahoo.com
Sun May 27 21:39:38 EDT 2007

We are very fortunate and excited to announce that Fabian Salas and Carolina Del Rivero, world class tango teachers and performers (and good friends) , will be conducting a three day Tango workshop in both New Orleans and Baton Rouge.  Fabian and Carolina are one of the most sought after Buenos Aires dancers and teachers worldwide.  For a full Biography, please click on the following link.  
  Their teaching technique is clear and simple and without a doubt will take your dance to the next level.  They both speak fluent English.
  The three day weekend workshop will offer the dancers 12 hours of lessons and two Milongas.  In addition, the Saturday Milonga at the Club Silhouette will also include performances by Fabian and Carolina..... A Must See !!  We have set up workshops in both New Orleans and Baton Rouge.  We strongly recommend that all dancers take advantage of this incredible opportunity and consider the full Weekend PASS.
  For a detail schedule and cost breakdown, please check out the following link:
  Special Weekend PASSES are being offered that provide you with discounted rates for registration before June 15th, 2007.
  (Don’t miss Taking advantage of this special early registration offer)
  For more information, call Kathie at 504 390 2138 or email us at neworleanstango at yahoo.com

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