[Tango-A] MISC: Milonguera cancer survivor dance exhibition - A life's example

sergio segura sergioseguratango at yahoo.com.ar
Fri May 18 02:37:00 EDT 2007

  23 years ago Nina Balbuena was diagnosed with ear cancer which a part of was later removed. 10 years later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and her breasts were partially removed. Today, she is battling against bone cancer and has periodic chemotherapy treatments. Inspite of all this, nothing has stopped her passion for life and dance.  
  Nina is organizer of the milonga Viejo Correo and on the 27th of April, celebrating her 73rd birthday, she gave a special exhibition performance with the young dancer Anton Gazenbeek. They were united through their love for the style of maestro Antonio Todaro. Nina was a student and assistant of the great master for many years. Together with Anton, who is an expert in this style, they recreated Todaro’s figures from the 1980s & 90s.
  Remember, Nina is 73 years old, has part of her ear removed which makes many movements difficult to execute, and especially turns. Three days before this exhibition, Nina had chemo. It is a beautiful thing how her zest for life has overshadowed her physical limitations and the effects of her treatment. 
  We invite you to view this exhibition on Youtube, which even though it is not well filmed is well worth seeing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-BC0XyOVBI
  Nina is in Viejo Correo (Diaz Velez 4820, Bs As, TE: 15-5692-3348) Thursdays at 10:00 pm. We invite you to come to this beautiful traditional milonga.  
  If you would like to contact Nina, her email is:  ninabalbuena2 at hotmail.com (Spanish only)
  If you wish, I can translate from English to Spanish for her and pass the message to her: sergioseguratango at yahoo.com.ar 
  (Negative, jealous and malicious comments will not be read or passed on to Nina and will be completely disregarded) 
  I hope that this example of life will help all of us to get through our own difficulties and understand the value of enjoying and celebrating life. 

        Sergio Segura
  Artist representative & Argentine cultural event producer

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