[Tango-A] NA-C: Ernest Williams to showcase at Barba Yianni on Sunday, May 6th in advance of Monday Cayengue & Milonga classes beginning on May 7th in Chicago

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Sun May 6 13:03:25 EDT 2007

Ernest Williams teaches Cayengue & Milonga classes in Chicago on Mondays – May 7th, 14th & 21st
Ernest will showcase at Barba Yianni on Sunday, May 6th with Chicago’s Anna Karassik

Just announced!!! Ernest Williams, who
 recently performed and taught Cayengue at the Chicago Tango mini-Festival (April 20-22, 2007 www.chicagotangofestival.com), will stay in Chicago through May. He has announced a series of 3 classes each in Cayengue and Milonga on Monday evenings at Mariposa (1803 W. Byron, Suite 214, Chicago www.mariposachicago.com) beginning on May 7, 2007. 

Mondays - May 7th, 14th and
7:30-8:45 p – Social Cayengue: based on the history and structure of this 20th Century pre- cursor to tango, learn the elements and musicality to enjoy dancing Cayengue in 21st Century salons.
8:45-10:00 p – Retro into ‘Nuevo’ Milonga: revive the Afro-centric origins of Milonga rhythms and movements and play with new concepts adaptable to today’s social dancing (not to be confused w/ ‘nuevo’ style of tango).
10:00-11:30 p – Practica: stay to review with Ernest the material covered in the classes.

Although it will be most meaningful to take the full progression of classes, drop-ins will be welcome and accommodated. However, the organizers reserve the right to cancel any classes for which there are less than 8 students, so bring your friends and have fun!!!

Pricing:  Each individual class - $15 (includes practica); practica only - $5; Both classes in an evening - $25 (also includes practica); all 3 classes in either series - $40 (with pre-registration only, includes practica).

For more information or to pre-register for the Monday classes, contact Ernest by phone at
 757-630-5949 or email at ernest at ernestwilliamsdance.com.  Ernest’s bio is available at www.ernestwilliamsdance.com.

Organization for Ernest’s classes in Chicago is provided by WindyCityTango, Unlimited – Phoebe J. Grant (773-260-2595 / WindyCityTango at yahoo.com). 

Ernest is available for private lessons and small group classes in Cayengue, milonga, tango or other Latin dances through the end of May in Chicago. He also is available to
 travel to other
 locations for workshops and/or private lessons. It is likely Ernest will be showcasing his Cayengue at Chicago-area milongas – watch for future postings
regarding this or contact Ernest for the current schedule. 

Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited
(773) 260-2595 direct contact / WindyCityTango at yahoo.com
Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango

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