[Tango-A] NA-E: Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel schedule for Pittsburgh on easter

Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel tango at tangodesalon.de
Thu Mar 22 05:44:40 EDT 2007

Dear Tango friends,

as already announced, we - Melina Sedó & Detlef Engel - will be giving 
classes in Pittsburgh for PATangoS on the coming easter weekend. 
Furthermore we'll be performing at the friday-Milonga, which Melina 
will be DJing as well. We're looking forward to meeting you there.

Here's our exact schedule with all the workshop-descriptions:


Friday, 6th april

8:00-9:30pm  1. Variations of the Cross
The cross of the woman is a very interesting and elegant element, if it 
is not danced automatically. Why use it only in the 8-count-basic and 
always left in front of right foot? We examine the technique of leading 
& dancing the cross properly, develop surprising new solutions and 
explore all kinds of new crosses.


Saturday, 7th april

Noon-1:30pm  2A. Tango – Embellishments for Followers
Exploring and trying out the different forms of embellishments. 
Melina’s analysis of the dimensions of movements lets you understand 
the possibitilies of embellishments better and helps you develop your 
unique forms.

Noon-1:30pm  2B. Tango – Leading the Leaders
Leading and following in both roles. This is a great challenge and will 
improve your leading skills highly as you may understand the 
intricacies of both roles. You may choose to do this class with your 
usual partner and just skip roles (follower leads leader) or you will 
work with other students changing roles frequently.

2:00-3:30 pm 3. Tango con Sabor
Discover the slowness of the music and enjoy the embrace with the 
partner. Tango is not about arriving somewhere but about savouring each 
little movement in the process. During this class we’ll focus on 
closeness, feeling and pleasure in slow and romantic Tangos.

4:00- 5:30 pm 4. Sacadas & Ganchos de Salon
Modern movements may be integrated into closeembracedance if we dance 
them organically and control our movement to a certain degree. We’ll 
work with tension & relaxation, examine the technique and develop 
possible movements.


Sunday, 8th april

1:30-3:00 5. Tango - the Music
The music makes us move. She does not only transmit a certain rhythm 
and velocity, but also emotion and expression. Each Tango is a 
masterpiece, which may be interpreted in a unique kind of way. We do 
not tech different steps to different orchestras - we examine the 
dimensions of music and dance, which will enable us to adapt our 
movements to the requirements of different Tango styles.

3:30-5:00 6. Milonga I
5:30-7:00 7. Milonga II
We do conceive Milonga as a dance very much on its own, requiring and 
facilitating specific body mechanics and small-scale dynamics. You 
don’t need complex steps to improvise the music adequately - the 
connection to the music is what makes a good Milonga! We’ll explore 
rhythmic variations of walking, the Traspíes and combine the basic 
elements to small and playfull steps which allow you to interpret the 
music freely.


Inscription and Infos:
Phone: 412-521-1476
Email: PATangoS at yahoo.com

Please feel free to contact us as well, if you've got any questions 
concerning the workshops topics.

Seeing you!

Melina and Detlef

Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel
tango at tangodesalon.de
(0049) (0)681 9381839 (in Germany until march 29)
(0049) (0)177 4340669 (German mobile number until april 1)
1-215-298-3831 (US mobile from april 3)

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