[Tango-A] NA-E: Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel schedule for NYC in april

Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel tango at tangodesalon.de
Wed Mar 14 14:10:33 EDT 2007

Dear Tango-friends,

we've just finished our planning and are pleased to present you our  
class- schedule for NYC in april 2007.
In our classes we'll focus on communication-skills, musicality, the  
embrace and the most important technical aspects of Tango. We assure  
you, that even very experienced dancers will discover new possibilities  
of improvisation and expression.

Please contact us, if you've got any further questions or meet us at  
the NY-Milongas.
We'll looking forward to meeting you,

Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel


April 5 - New York - class & performance at La Nacional

• Tango con sabor (8 - 9.30 pm)
Discover the slowness of the music and enjoy the embrace. Tango is not  
about arriving somewhere but about savouring each little movement in  
the process. During this class the focus will be on closeness, feeling  
and pleasure in slow and romantic Tangos.

We'll be performing at La Nacional Milonga later in the evening.

(infos at www.tangolanacional.com)


April 3/4/5/10/11/12 - New York - available for private classes

Please contact us in avance at:
• tango at tangodesalon.de
• 0049-681-9381839 (in Germany until 3/29)
• 1-215-298-3831 (US mobile, from april 3)


April 10 - New York - classes at Empire Dance

• Caminar - walking in an embrace (7 - 8.30 pm)
For us, Tango is walking in an embrace and communication with a  
partner. All complex movements derive from it, this is why we focus on  
the „Caminar“ in all it’s variations. We’ll explore the posture, the  
embrace and elegant walking in both parallel and crossed system. We  
assure you, that even very experienced dancers will discover new  
possibilities of improvisation and expression.

• Milonga lisa y con Traspié: Rhythm is it! (8.30 - 10 pm)
We do conceive Milonga as a dance very much on its own, requiring and  
facilitating specific body mechanics and small-scale dynamics. You  
don’t need complex steps to improvise the music adequately - the  
connection to the music is what makes a good Milonga! We’ll explore  
rhythmic variations of walking, the Traspies and combine the basic  
elements in order to interpret the music freely.

Infos and inscription at www.empiredance.com


April 11/12: 6 couples - intensive classes at Champions

Join our intensive classes for 6 couples at Champions studio. Please  
inscribe in advance with a partner ASAP. In case you want to contact us  
by phone: just leave us a short message, we’ll call you back.
• tango at tangodesalon.de
• 0049-681-9381839 (in Germany until 3/29)
• 1-215-298-3831 (US mobile, from april 3)

Prices per person: 1 class = 25 USD, 2 classes = 45 USD, 3 or more  
classes = each one 20 USD (To pay in advance on your first class. Cash  

Location: Champions studio 257w 39 Street, 14th floor, New York. Please  
arrive 5 minutes earlier!

Pivots & turns without memorized patterns ( April 11, 7 - 8.30 pm)
We’ll concentrate on the technique of dancing and leading pivots and  
ochos. The focus will be on bodywork and elegance as well as on organic  
movement. We want to enable you to develop all kind of complex  
movements - even giros - without learning any patterns or steps. Four  
us, the moulinette is only one possibility to turn.

Vals - Rhythmical variations in the music (April 11, 8.30 - 10 pm)
Exploring the rhythmical possibilities in Vals and integrating them in  
variations of the walk and several known movements. This may sound  
simple, but is it not: there are certain rhythmical variations which  
are forgotton most of the time and dancing them requires the  
proficiency to really lead and follow in order to „time“ your  
movements. This class is exclusively for experienced dancers.

Variations of the cross (April 12, 7 - 8.30 pm)
The cross of the woman is a very interesting and elegant element, if it  
is not danced automatically. We examine the technique of leading &  
dancing the cross properly, develop surprising solutions and explore  
all kinds of new crosses.

Tango - musical dimensions and expression (April 12, 8.30 - 10 pm)
The music makes us move. She does not only transmit a certain rhythm  
and velocity, but also emotion and expression. Each Tango is a  
masterpiece, which may be interpreted in a unique kind of way. We do  
not teach different steps to different orchestras - we examine the  
dimensions of music and dance. The aim is to distinguish different  
styles of music and adapt each movement to the new requirements. This  
class is exclusively for experienced dancers.


Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel
tango at tangodesalon.de
(0049) (0)681 9381839 (German number until 3/29)
1-215-298-3831 (US mobile, from april 3)

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