[Tango-A] NA-C: Julio Balmaceda & Corina de la Rosa at the Denver Memorial Day Milonguero Festival, May 22 -28, 2007

Nina Pesochinsky nina at earthnet.net
Tue Mar 6 19:15:34 EST 2007

"On with the dance! let joy be unconfined;
No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet
To chase the glowing hours with flying feet."
                 George Gordon, Lord Byron, "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of Tango,

With great enthusiasm and excitement I am 
bringing to you the schedule for the Master 
Classes and performances of the amazing, 
incredible Argentine Tango dancers and teachers 
Julio Balmaceda and Corina de la Rosa!  Julio and 
Corina will be teaching and performing at the 
Denver Memorial Day Milonguero Festival, May 22-28, 2007.

So many of you have told me that you missed them 
because J & C did not teach in the U.S. in 2006, 
that I am hoping that this announcement will leave you smiling.

Our dancers in Colorado know Julio and Corina 
very well because they have been teaching here 
twice a year since 1999 (with an exception of 
2006).  However, if you are new to this dance and 
have not seen J & C dance and teach, then please 
visit their website at www.julioycorina.com.ar

Julio and Corina dance an incredible show when 
they perform.  Their performance will take place 
on Friday, May 25, at Midnight at the Mercury Cafe in Denver.

This event will sell out very quickly because of 
J & C's reputation and popularity, the popularity 
of our Memorial Day Milonguero Festival (Thank 
you, Tom!) and because of J & C's absence from the U.S. last year.

Please note that these Master Classes require a 
separate registration from other events of the Denver Memorial Day Festival.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can 
answer any questions you may have.

My very best regards to every one of you,


Nina Pesochinsky
Tango Maverick Ent.

Julio Balmaceda & Corina de la Rosa
May 23-28, 2007
Registration Deadline -

May 1, 2007

Class Schedule:
All class material will be built on material presented in the previous classes.

Wednesday, May 23:

7:15PM – 8:45PM – Intermediate Tango I - $25

Thursday, May 24: Special Class

7-9PM - Adv/Prof Technique 2-Hour Semi-Private Class
eligible for the entire series or any other 
discount.  It is open only to 10 dance couples -
$55 per person.

Friday, May 25:

7:30PM – 9:00PM – Intermediate Vals I - $25

Saturday, May 26:

1:15PM – 2:45PM – Int/Adv Tango II - $25
3:15PM – 4:45PM – Int/Adv Vals II - $25

Sunday, May 27:

1:15PM – 2:45PM – Advanced Tango III - $30
3:15PM – 4:45PM – Intermediate Milonga - $25

Monday, May 28:

1:15PM – 2:45PM – Adv/Professional Tango IV -$30
3:15PM – 4:45PM – Advanced Vals III  - $30

  Cost & Registration Requirements:

The registration deadline is May 1, 2007.  The 
cost of the all-class series is $190.  Thursday 
Advanced/Professional Technique class requires a 
separate registration and payment.

You do not need to register with a partner for 
all other classes.  We will create 
gender-balanced classes by monitoring registrations as they arrive.

The registrations arriving after May 1, 2007 will 
be considered drop-in and the Intermediate 1.5 
hour classes will be $30 per class and the 
Advanced/ Professional level will be $35.

The classes are limited to 36 (18 couples) 
dancers at the Tango House and to 50 dancers (25 couples) at the Mercury Café.

To ensure proper gender balance for the classes, 
they are open on drop-in basis only to persons 
who either arrive with a partner or are able and 
willing to dance both the lead and the follow parts.

There is a 15% discount offered on any 
registration except the technique class on 
Thursday to full-time students, professional 
dancers, dance teachers (including AT) and 
dancers with more than 65 years of life experience.

Class Locations:

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday –  The 
Tango House, 3617 Osage Street, Denver.
Sunday and Monday – The Mercury Café, 21st Street & California, Denver.

Private Lessons:

Julio and Corina will be teaching private lessons 
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (May 23 – 25, 
2007). Julio and Corina will teach their private lessons separately.

  Many thanks to our special sponsors the Tango House and the Mercury Cafe!

  Nina Pesochinsky – (720) 434 - 4342 - 
<mailto:nina at earthnet.net>nina at earthnet.net  

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