[Tango-A] NA-E: NYC Sun. Helping a friend /Special Guest at Esmeralda's

Lucille Krasne lukrasne at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 29 10:51:01 EDT 2007

At Air Conditioned  SESSION 73 (73rd and 1st Av, SW corner),
Dance 7:30 to midnight or later as we have been‹when everyone leaves, tango

1.Special request on Rosa¹s behalf: Please, please bring a check or cash to
contribute as generously as possible to a fund being developed to help the
wonderful Rosa Collantes as she continues her cancer battle.  Angel¹s show,
³Roxana¹s Tango² offers a special benefit matinee performance tomorrow at
3:00 at the American Theater of Actors. Call 212 795-6661 for more
information on all performances.  (Apropos our friend¹s struggle: See the
film ³Sicko² opening today.*)
2. Esmeralda¹s Special guest this Sunday: Milonguero Alberto Dassieu.
 You saw him in the film now see him in person!
3. Coming Attraction July 8: Johnny Tablada helps us celebrate the
Bandoneon‹its history, its virtuosi.

Thanks to Jai Jeffreys for a terrific video last Sunday, ³Milonguisimo²,
from Buenos
Aires¹ famous La Confiteria Idea with Jan La Salle dancing with Alberto
Alberto, has danced for 55 years, taught in BsAs and Europe and this is his
first trip to the US.
He is excited to be coming and we are excited to have him as a special guest
to dance with Jan! 

Lessons in 2 spaces  6:30 to 7:30, beginner (with me) and a pre-intermediate
(with JEAN FUNG-This talented woman will also DJ for us again with her great
classic and classy tango program‹
remember she had a milonga in Philadelphia before most of us knew the word!)
$10 for classes and milonga

Session 73 Remember!! Great food and free wine or beer with an order of
tapas at the inside or outside café.
Served Œtil 8:30 or later when there is a special event.

Hope to see you,

 Lucille Krasne
212 777 6053
³Esmeralda¹s TANGO AND TAPAS² Sundays

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