[Tango-A] Final Episode of Tango Television

Ney Melo neymelo at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 08:07:01 EST 2007

Greetings from Buenos Aires!

The idea for Tango Television came from the custom of a gang of people
coming over to my old manhattan apt on 7 & D after the milonga,
ordering food or raiding my fridge, and watching tango videos into the
early morning. That included tango movies, tango performances,
instructional videos, anything and everything that had something to do
with tango. Some of the videos were really good, most were pretty bad,
but in the end everyone had a good time.The usual crowd consisted of
me, Murat Erdemsel, Jennifer Bratt, Adel, Michelle, and whichever
visiting teacher was in town at the time. The scene was like something
out of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

(For those that don't know, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is an
American cult television comedy series that features a man and his
robot sidekicks who are trapped on a satellite in space and forced to
watch particularly bad science fiction movies. The premise of the show
is that the man and his robots make a running commentary on the film,
making fun of its flaws and wisecracking their way through the film in
the style of a movie theater peanut gallery.)

Years later, with the invention of youtube, I am able to bring that
experience to others. I want people to comment on the videos, to
praise as well as criticize.

I appreciated all the feedback on the episodes. I want everyone to
post a comment on my page casting their vote for the best performance
from this series of TT.

This new episode will debut this weekend. (I needed a little extra
time to work on it.) As always, it will have lots of dance
performances. I won't say who, you'll have to watch and find out.

In the meantime, catch up on all the previous episodes at

Ney Melo
Watch "TANGO TELEVISION" at http://www.youtube.com/tangotelevision

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