[Tango-A] Special Holiday Tango Teaching DVD and Postcards SALE

sergio segura sergioseguratango at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Dec 5 17:18:23 EST 2007

All our Tango Teaching DVDs with a historic reference to the past
  by the renown Tango teacher, dancer and historian Anton Gazenbeek now from $30
  Only for December
  Tango Salon $30 (Reg. Price $47.99) All the tips for Traditional Tango de Salon
  Adv. Fig. Vol 1 $35 (Reg. Price $47.99) All the secrets from the masters of the ‘40's
  Adv. Fig. Vol 2 $35 (Reg. Price $47.99) The sequel to Vol. 1.
  Tango al Reves $45 (Reg. Price $64.99) The old and forgotten dance in an alternative embrace
  TO BUY them, check our website:
  Postcards: A set of 8 tango postcards (4x6 in.), Photographed by Sergio Segura. Ideal to send to your friends. Price $9.99 (Regular $15)
  TO BUY it, check our Website:
  About Anton Gazenbeek: Anton's passion for traditional tango led him to start collecting all types of photographic and video material related to tango. After nine years, he has put together the largest and most important tango video collection in the world (now with well over 1,500 videos from all time periods).  He has written articles for many magazines including those of the Asociacion de Maestros, Bailarines y Coreografos de Tango Argentino, Explore Dance in the USA , and Tango Danza in Germany . Anton is a highly recognized expert on the show “Tango Argentino” and on the life of Antonio Todaro and is constantly consulted by different types of media including Balletin Dance and El Tangauta to collaborate on articles about those topics. Anton gives lectures on the history of tango with videos from his private collection and has been invited to give lectures together with big tango personalities such as Gloria and Eduardo Arquimbau, Maria Nieves, and Juan Carlos Copes. 
 Recently he gave a presentation for the University of Carnegie Mellon , invited by the Pittsburg Tango Association. He is at the moment writing two books on the origins and evolution of tango and is finishing up two film documentaries filmed entirely on location in Buenos Aires . He has filmed 4 teaching DVDs with historical material. He is the co-creator, artistic director and choreographer of “The Anthropology of Tango Dance” show and “The Argentine Tango Cultural Tour”. He has presented his work as historian, teacher and dancer at the prestigious NYC Summer Tango & Film Festival, Boston Tango Festival, World Tango Festival and many other cities in the USA and Asia . Recently, the great Juan Carlos Copes hired Anton Gazenbeek to compile a book with images from Copes' career. 
  Anton has just returned from lecturing at the TransLation Dance International Researcher’s Conference in Hamburg , Germany . This 4 day event organized by the University of Hamburg brought together tango experts, scholars, and researchers from across the world to present their academic findings. 

  Anton will be directing The School of Traditional Argentine Tango in NYC, which will be opened next January 2008.

        Sergio Segura
  Artist representative & Argentine cultural event producer
  (917) 373-7446 or (713) 893-1716


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