[Tango-A] EU-W: Munich 20th of August Open Air Tango with Sexteto Milonguero

Christel Knorrn christelknorrn at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 9 02:48:41 EDT 2007

We are very proud to have the Sexteto Milonguero from Bs As at the end of 
their european tour in Munich. It's the last event of the "Tango Montage auf 
der Praterinsel" in this year.

The event will take place on the 20th of August at the Open Air area at the 
Praterinsel in Munich, Praterinsel 3-4
If the weather is  not so nice we can use the "Füllhall" at the same area.

At 7.45 pm there will be a beginners class , the music will play from 9.15, 
DJ Hans Peter Salzer.
Entrance fee 15 EUR.

Organizer TANGO maldiito, infoline +49700 0 48071 49

Kind regards


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