[Tango-A] NW-A: Felipe Martinez in San Francisco Bay Area, Oct 4-11

EspirituLibreTango espiritulibretango at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 20 13:43:03 EDT 2006

  Felipe Martinez
will be in the San Francisco Bay Area for one week October 4-11.

Thursday, October 5
Veteran's Hall, 846 Front Street, downtown Santa Cruz
Workshops for beginner/intermediate level
7:00-8:30p.m. Turns - technique and variations
8.45-10:15 p.m. Playing with the Rhythm
One workshop $25, both workshops $45. Dancers must pre-register for 
these workshops.
Felipe will be available for privates in Santa Cruz on October 5 & 6.
Contact: iris Mayo  (830) 476-9186

Friday, October 6
Tango Rhythm & Motion @ ODC Commons, 351 Shotwell Street @ 17th 
Street, San Francisco
8:30 - 10:00 pm   Elasticity & Dynamic Movement (Int/Adv)
10:00 pm - 12:30 am     Practica
Workshop & practica  $20  Contact: Julian Ramil, jmrtango at yahoo.com

Saturday, October 7
The Renaissance Ballroom,  285 Eliis Street, San Francisco
(between Mason & Taylor)
1:00-2:15 p.m.  Rhythmical Variations - int.
2:30-3:45 pm    Compact Variations for the social dance floor - int/adv.
4:15-5:30 pm    Subleties and Nuances - adv.
Workshops $25 each at the door, but numbers will be 

$20 each, with pre-registration before October 5, and payment in advance.
$25 each at the door, but numbers will be limited
Contact: Dorcas  (408) 739-9737,  e-mail: espiritulibretango at yahoo.com

Sunday, October 8
The Renaissance Ballroom,  285 Eliis Street, San Francisco
(between Mason & Taylor)
1:00-2:15 p.m.  Embrace (technique & concepts)  -  int.
2:30-3:45 pm    Dynamics: using rebounds  - int/adv.
4:15-5:30 pm    Voleos and Ganchos Intensive - adv.
Workshops $25 each at the door, but numbers will be 

$20 each, with pre-registration before October 5, with payment in advance
$25 each at the door, but numbers will be limited.
Contact: Dorcas  (408) 739-9737,  e-mail: espiritulibretango at yahoo.com

Monday, October 9
The Beat, 2590 9th Street, Berkeley
8:15 - 9:15 p.m. Class: Intermediate Concepts
9:15 pm to around Midnight -   Practica
Class & practica $10, Practica only $5
Free parking, For more info, call 510-548-5348, or see: users.lmi.net/thebeat/

For privates in San Francisco October 7-11, please e-mail: 
tangonnection at hotmail.com

Felipe is an inspirational and dedicated teacher.  His style is 
dynamic, smooth and extremely musical,
and he moves seamlessly with fluidity and grace.  He has taught in 
France, Spain and all over the U.S.
including in the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington DC, New York, 
Denver, Portland, Alaska and Canada.
He has been influenced by Leo & Eugenia, Gustavo & Giselle Anne, 
Javier & Geraldine, Fabian & Carolina,
Julio & Corina, Claudia & Esteban, as well some of the legendary old 
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