christina johnson User kikibri at earthlink.net
Sun May 21 19:02:36 EDT 2006


    If you have been waiting for a trip to heal you, body and soul; here it
is! For those who love tango, you will get to sink into the ecstasy of tango
at night, with a new approach to tango with classes during the day. You¹ll
have a renewed acquaintance with the brilliant and fascinating body that you
have; through massage, temazcal (ancient native tradition of purifying
through steams, and herbal detoxifiers), meditation, Dr. Riley¹s chi-qong,
and special traditional Indian medicine healing practices. You will be
lodged at a beautiful resort/spa with all kinds of body treatments
available. Christina¹s body/soul work and somatic healing will also be
available. Let go, relax, and let your senses and healing archetypes care
for you!!
Don¹t miss this extraordinary opportunity! Go on line to www.beyondtango and
www.stressreduction.com for the brochure, and information on deposit. This
trip is only about 8 weeks away, so act NOW!!
Please forward this to others who may be interested, and Gracias.

WHEN?  July 29-Aug.5,2006

WHERE?  Tepoztlan and Cuernavaca, Mexico.  Fly into Mexico City.

FACILITATORS: Dr. Edwin Riley and Christina Johnson, MA (More on them both
at the end of this email)

PRICE: Cost is $1,875, per person. This is based on double occupancy.
Except for alcoholic beverages and airfare, the trip is all inclusive!!
Rooms are very spacious and offer lots of privacy.  The first guests to sign
up get the better rooms on second floor with balconies and picturesque view
of mountains. For anyone desiring a private room, the cost is $400 more.
The hotel has a total of 29 rooms.  It is quite intimate and all the rooms
are very nice.  Cost includes transportation to and from the airport at
Mexico City, all other transportation, meals with exception of free day and
lunch on Sunday in Tepoztlan (since we will be scattered) accomodations,
classes, temazcal, diagnosis, entrance to Las Estacas.

Dr. Riley began these tours to Mexico for participants to experience
profound healing, to relax, and to further self knowledge.
He teaches Chi Kung each morning to awaken natural harmony and invite the
chi to energize and harmonize the group. SEE MORE on Dr. Riley on his
website below. 

Christina Johnson will be teaching tango, and also giving private Body and
Soul sessions, and aura balancing. SEE MORE below.

See: www.stressreduction.com for information on Dr. Riley,and for the
brochure that gives information presently on a typical trip, although the
new brochure with the information on the July trip is not up as of yet.

For pictures and description of Hotel Amatlan where we will be staying:

Christina Johnson, MA, LPC, LMT is  licensed in both psychology and
bodywork technique. She began her practice in massage in 1969 while living
in Mexico.  
In 1983, she co-founded the original Academy of Healing Arts in Santa Fe,
New Mexico, and was a member of the staff. Her aura balancing technique was
learned at Southwestern College in New Mexico. She has a private practice in
both psychotherapy and bodywork.
    Christina has been dancing Argentine tango for nine years, and wrote a
book, Love Language, inspired by many trips to Buenos Aires. She has been
teaching tango for seven years.
She has created several personal growth workshops, including Living Your
Dream, a course to discover and follow one's soul purpose. Other workshops
have been offered that include: the fulfillment of individual purpose and
service to community, using the poetic eye and voice to express love in it¹s
many forms, the psychology of the body, and the healing quality of
masculine/feminine polarities in relationship.
Offered on the trip:
Body and Soul session are for changing patterns, beliefs, or habits that are
no longer useful. New, creative, and life affirming themes are discovered
and seeded in the body/mind.
Deep tissue massage, energy balancing, polarity, reflexology, and life
impressions work may be use. One of my specialties is using EMDR for
unblocking creative, artistic, and dance/ acting performance abilities. Body
and Soul sessions are $200 for 2 to 3 hours. Aura balancing is a spiritual
attunement that includes forgiveness and emotional clearing. This healing
invokes the power of God and spirit, and one needs to be in readiness for
profound change.  Please have a short consultation with Christina to see if
an aura balancing is appropriate for you at this time.  Cost is $110.
Dr. Edwin Riley, Ph.D, M.ed, received his doctorate in the emerging field of
Mind/Body Medicine, Transpersonal Psychology and Integrative Health Care.
His research took him into the mountains of Central and Southern Mexico to
access centuries¹ old healing practices in the holistic tradition. Dr. Riley
received his master¹s degree in Education at the University of Florida and
studied behavioral sciences in the doctoral program before teaching on the
university and college level.
He studied contemplative psychotherapy at The Naropa University in Boulder,
Colorado, and completed a professional training program in mindfulness-based
stress reduction under the direction of Dr. John Kabat-Zinn, former director
of  the nationally acclaimed Center For Mindfulness In Medicine, Health Care
and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.

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