[Tango-A] EU-W: Tango 59 Degrees Stockholm City International Summer Tango Festival

Peter Bengtson peter at PETERBENGTSON.COM
Thu Jun 15 13:33:42 EDT 2006

Dear tangueros,

Summer is here in earnest, and the class packages of Tango 59° are  
rapidly filling up. This year's festival shows every sign of becoming  
something very special indeed, and we are looking forward to meeting  
you in Stockholm between August 8 and 13.

For those of you who have as yet not booked your package, we would  
suggest that you take a look at the following packages, where there  
still is a small number of couple places left:

    Package T (all four couples) [level 2] - if you're fairly new to  
    Package V (Bouscasse/LeCocq, Rydén/Uldall) [level 3] - medium  
    Package G (Rydén/Uldall, Mazer/Farfaro), [level 3] - medium advanced
    Package L (Mazer/Farfaro, Arce/Montes) [level 4] - advanced
    Package M (Arce/Montes, Bouscasse/LeCocq) [level 4] - advanced

As always, couple bookings take precedence over single bookings, so  
if you can, grab a tango friend and sign up together. You can of  
course sign up as a single, but in some cases the waiting list for  
followers is very long, which makes it unlikely that you will get a  
place unless you actively involve yourself in finding a partner. If  
you find one, your booking will automatically take precedence, no  
matter which place you hold on the single's waiting list. So if you  
have signed up as a single, don't stop trying to find a partner.

Package T and V, though a few places for couples still are open, have  
particularly long waiting lists for followers. Instead, we suggest  
you take a look at Packages G and M, where the currently are no  
followers on the waiting list. However, mind the levels - these are  
advanced levels - and don't book above your level. Please refer to  
http://tango59degrees.com/levels.php for information about the level  

The following packages are now fully booked:

    Package Y (Bouscasse/LeCocq) [level 4]
    Package E (Mazer/Farfaro) [level 5]
    Package S (Arce/Montes) [level 5]

There is of course also a large number of workshops - 25, to be exact  
- and each package (except package T) includes a free workshop. For  
availability of places, please login to the website.

Advanced followers: there is one single leader available on Workshop  
23, "Advanced Milonga con Traspíe" with Bouscasse/LeCocq. First come,  
first served...

Regarding Evening Milonga Passes: if you haven't reserved your  
milonga pass, you should try to do so as soon as you can, as they are  
limited in number. There will be tickets available at the door of  
each milonga, but we expect full houses every night. So make sure you  
have a place at the most festive milongas in Stockholm, featuring the  
world's most renowned tango DJ, Mario Orlando from Buenos Aires,  
Ensemble Hyperion (and another orchestra whose identity soon will be  
revealed), and of course the teachers and participants of Tango 59°  
Stockholm City International Tango Festival 2006.

Don't wait too long. Book your places now!

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