[Tango-A] Back in NYC Vanja teaches new classes at Empire Dance

Vanija Kostadinova vanja_ks at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 17:56:49 EDT 2006

Thank you all for welcoming me so warmly back in the
Big Apple!

I am happy that upon my return next to my already
established classes - "How to lead (for followers)"
and "Follower's technique" - Empire Dance assigned me
four more classes  - beginner, intermediate and
advanced classes for everybody, as well as my newest
challenge to the NY tango community - "Leaders learn
to follow"! For details on those classes please check
the web page of Empire Dance: www.empiredance.com

By the way, in my advanced class on Wednesday we will
also work on how to use your body to express and share
the emotions that might have come up through the tango
music. :)

I want to use the opportunity and once again thank all
my students for their faithfulness and all my friends
in New York for making me feel happy to be back "home"
- 13,000 miles away from my Bulgarian and German

Thank you, guys,

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