[Tango-A] Reminder: Workshops with Alicia Pons & Robert Hauk in Indianapolis June 16-18

Barbara Bill bbillcinci at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 2 12:17:00 EDT 2006



      Indianapolis is Proud to welcome: The Dynamic Duo Alicia Pons & Robert Hauk
  . . . What a wonderful opportunity to learn Tango ! ! !
  We are delighted to present and welcome to Indianapolis, Indiana Alicia Pons and Robert Hauk popular instructors with many of the tango workshops in and around the United States. Their knowledge of the body physics and rhythms of tango has influenced many of us to become better dancers.
  Alicia Pons is an outstanding milonguera. Her elegant milonguero style clear methodology, and warm personality are always a hit with students in the U.S.
  as well as at classes in Buenos Aires. She has become very popular visiting instructor on the U.S./Argentine tango workshop circuit.
  Alicia is an elegant and accomplished dancer with refined technique and a distinctive personality. Alicia has most noted for her foot play and adding spice to tango with sensual seduction, which is done with humor and decorum. 
  Robert Hauk is one of the highly regarded close-embrace milonguero style
  teachers based in the United States. Robert’s popularity as an instructor at tango workshops is a result of his practical insight and straight-forward teaching. Robert makes milonguero style tango readily accessible to students. His skillful techniques quickly empower students with the "feel" of connected social dancing. As a result, his teaching has been influential and has engendered tango community growth in Portland and other cities across the country. 
  Friday, June 16 Workshop
  7:30 p.m.—9:00 p.m.: Fundamentals of Constructing a Dance "All Levels"
  9:00 p.m.—10:00 p.m.: Práctica
  (Beginner/Intermediate) Walking the tango: 
  Using your energy and intention, with emphasis on posture, 
  embrace, connection with your partner step quality through clear weight changes.
  Saturday, June 17 Workshop
  1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.: Turning the Tango
  3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.: Putting all together: Sinuos tight rotations on your axis and balance for crowded dance floors. Rhythms of Tango—Use of rhythms (bounce-back, Follower’s Technique: Alicia — Leader’s Technique: Robert or rebote) that go from tango to milonga
  Saturday Milonga @ Smees’ Place—8:30 p.m. To Midnight — D.J. Robert Hauk
  Sunday, June 18
  1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.: Stop steps: Creative variations when the line of dance halts.
  Ochos with pivots in milonguero style;
  3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.: Seductive Conversations:
  Respecting the space on the dance floor.
  Leading pauses for the creativity of the woman.
  Tuesday, June 20
  Alicia Only ! ! ! At Tate’s Dance Studio Styling—Advanced 7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Presence for the Woman: Mastering body language. 
  Use your body to whisper or shout with elegance.
  Learn seduction and style through weight shifts, balance, step quality, and adornment. Women.
  Workshop Fees
  Special Package
  Advanced Registration Required by June 9, 2006 $100.00
  Attend all 3 Days Workshop and Milonga for Only $100.00
  Regular Class 
  Friday, June 16—Evening Only $25.00
  Saturday, June 17—(Per Session)$25.00
  Saturday, June 17—Milonga $15.00
  Sunday, June 18—(Per Session) $25.00
  Alicia & Robert offer Private Lessons $75.00 per hour
  Please call David Crosley to make your reservations @ 317-407-8181
  * Note . . . 
  Alicia & Robert will be teaching all classes together

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