[Tango-A] NA-C: Nito y Elba Garcia return to Chicago - August 9 thru 16, 2006

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 31 14:45:25 EDT 2006

WindyCityTango, Inc. announces Nito y Elba Garcia’s return to Chicago - August 9 thru 16, 2006
WCT, Inc.’s class & workshop schedule for Nito y Elba Garcia's return to Chicago after nearly 3 years follows a brief introduction to the visiting instructors and is followed by WCT, Inc.’s Discount Pricing Policy for pre-paid registration and multiple workshops; please note additional discounts are available for attendees traveling more than 60 miles. Nito y Elba will be available to teach private lessons during their time in Chicago ; WCT, Inc.’s policy follows the WCT, Inc. registration form; please contact Phoebe J. Grant for additional information, to pre-register or to schedule private lessons at 773.260.2595 or WindyCityTango at yahoo.com. Nito y Elba’s visit to Chicago is sponsored in conjunction with Fred & Yermen Romero.
Introduction to Nito y Elba Garcia
          Excellent representatives of the Golden Age of Argentine tango, Nito y Elba Garcia even now outclass any young dancer. Their elegance and mastery have been lauded in Europe, Israel , Japan and Russia in addition to Argentina and the USA . They have danced with many orchestras including Maestro Osvaldo Pugliese’s. Nito y Elba’s style - “Salon with Fantasia” - is rooted in traditional fundamentals elevated with their remarkable grace, fluidity, and creativity. Always in search of new steps, Nito y Elba have created many unique movements for Argentine tango. For example, Nito's famous ‘taquitos’, not to mention his impeccable ‘pencil enrosques’, always are met with a storm of applause. Nito y Elba travel around the world teaching their students to improvise as they dance, to feel the music as they embrace each other.  
          Classes with Nito y Elba will provide dancers of all levels new elements to incorporate into their dance, as well as a profound technical retuning.  Affectionately nicknamed the “teachers’ teachers”, Nito y Elba have been invited to teach at CITA every year and are highly in demand as private coaches for professional couples in throughout the world. Prior to their summer 2006 tour, they were performing in the tango show at the Esquina de Carlos Gardel in Buenos Aires .
Schedule of Classes & Workshops 
Please pre-register by email to WindyCityTango at yahoo.com. WCT, Inc.’s Discount Pricing Policy for classes/workshops is located after the schedule, but please note ALL 9 classes/workshops are $190 (which includes the Monday La Milongon) with advance payment!!! Additional discounts are available for attendees traveling more than 60 miles. After their first class on Wed., Aug. 9, ALL of the WCT, Inc. classes & workshops with Nito y Elba are at Mariposa  (1803 W. Byron, Chicago ) – www.MariposaChicago.com. Please be careful to note the exception:  Guest Instructing for hosts Fred & Yermen Romero on Wednesday, August 9 at The Latvian Community Center (4146 N. Elston at Hamlin, Chicago ). NOTE: Classes/workshops with <10 attendees may be cancelled – bring your friends!!  For more information, contact Phoebe J. Grant at 733.260.2595 or 312.342.4335(VM) or WindyCityTango at yahoo.com (allow 24 hours for response to email at this address; for immediate response, email
 TangoLadyChicago at tmail.com).
Wednesday, August 9: 8:00–9:30 pm - Special Class as Nito y Elba guest instruct for hosts Fred & Yermen Romero:”Sophisticated Tango”; $25pp at the door without pre-paid registration or $20pp with pre-payment (Intermediate) at The Latvian Community Center (4156 N. Elston at Hamlin, Chicago).
Friday, August 11: 7:30–8:45 pm (Class before Los Besos Milonguita) ”Social Salon Tango with Style”  - topics will include navigating the crowded floor, avoiding being stymied in a stall, dancing around the inevitable “hot shots”; $15pp (All Levels).
Featured Appearance at Los Besos Milonguito 9:00 pm - 2:00 am at Mariposa  (1803 W. Byron, Chicago); Entrance to milonga $15 in addition to class price of $15; for more information on the milonga only, see www.tangounaemocion.com or contact Oleg & Ellen at 1-847-409-4513. Showcase around 11:30 pm.
1.5 hour Workshops - $30 per class without pre-paid registration at Mariposa  (1803 W. Byron, Chicago); see WCT, Inc.’s Discount Pricing Policy below for pre-paid and multiple workshop pricing.
Saturday, August 12:
12:00–1:30 pm “Introduction to Nito’s Enrosques” (All Levels – but you’ll be challenged!)
 2:00–3:30 pm “Left and Right Turning Giros, especially in Vals” (Intermediate)
 4:00–5:30 pm “Adornos for Leaders & Followers with Musicality” (Intermediate/Advanced)
Sunday, August 13:
12:00–1:30 pm “Elevate your Techniques for Milonga” (Intermediate)
 2:00–3:30 pm “Nito’s Taquitos - Updated” (Intermediate/Advanced)
 4:00–5:30 pm “Complex Enrosquses!” (Advanced) - Entrance to this class requires attendance at Saturday’s “Introduction to Nito’s Enroseques” unless exception granted by instructors &/or organizers
Monday, August 14: 7:30–8:45 pm (Class before Monday’s El Milongon with DJ/Bandoneonist Gerardo Perez and hosted by Phoebe J. Grant)” Adding Elegance to your Salidas especially in Vals”; $15pp for class only or $20pp includes milonga; but please pre-register to assist gender balance (All Levels) at Mariposa (1803 W. Byron, Chicago); $10 cover fee for milonga only with dancing until 12:30 am
Please note: 
It is not required to come with a partner, but it is recommended to pre-register for all classes / workshops so we can better balance lead vs. follow. We will encourage rotation of partners, but you are also allowed to stay with your own partner as long as you choose.
Please allow at least 15 minutes before class to check in, register, and warm up. 
We strongly recommend respect for the level designated for each class/workshop.
WCT, Inc. and Nito y Elba reserve the right to change any class/workshop title or level or to cancel without adequate attendance. 
Video taping of classes / workshops permitted ONLY with advance approval of organizers AND visiting instructors.
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WindyCityTango, Inc. Class/Workshop Registration Form
WindyCityTango, Inc. presents Nito y Elba Garcia - August 9 – 16, 2006
Name _____________________________________
Please Indicate: Lead ___ or Follow ___
Address ___________________________________
City & Zip ________________________________
Preferred Phone ___________________________
E-mail ______________________________________ 
Classes/Workshops you will attend - Please pre-register to assist us in gender balance goal; detailed discount pricing information provided below but $190 for all 9 ONLY with pre-payment – includes a Monday’s El Milongon!! WCT, Inc. and our sponsored instructor(s) strongly recommend respect for the level designated for each class/workshop.  NOTE: all milongas are priced separately
____  ALL 9 classes & workshops $190pp (includes Monday milonga cover but all other milongas are priced separately)
Wednesday, August 9 - Guest Instructing Class: $20pp with pre-paid registration ($25pp w/o)
____   8:00–10:00 pm ”Sophisticated Tango” (Intermediate) at The Latvian Community Center (4156 N. Elston at Hamlin, Chicago ).
Friday, August 11 – pre-milonga Class only $15pp
____   7:30–8:45 pm  ”Social Salon Tango with Style” (All Levels) class before Los Besos Milonguita at Mariposa  (1803 W. Byron, Chicago ); (separate admission of $15 to milonga)
1.5 hour Workshops - $30 per class without pre-paid registration; detailed discount pricing information provided below but $140 for all 6!!!  
WCT, Inc.’s Discount Pricing Policy for pre-registered & pre-paid workshops:
       1st WCT, Inc. workshop = $28; any 2 WCT, Inc. workshops = $55; any 3 WCT, Inc. workshops = $81; any 4 WCT, Inc. workshops = $106; any 5 WCT, Inc. workshops = $130; all 6 – if paid incrementally but with pre-registration = $153; all 6 WCT, Inc. workshops = $140 - ONLY with advance payment; all 9 classes & workshops = $190 - ONLY with advance payment
____   ALL 6 Saturday & Sunday workshops with Practica $140pp
Saturday, August 12: 
___ 12:00–1:30 pm “Introduction to Nito’s Enrosques” (All Levels – but you’ll be challenged!)
___   2:00–3:30 pm “Left and Right Turning Giros, especially in Vals” (Intermediate)
___   4:00–5:30 pm “Adornos for Leaders & Followers with Musicality” (Intermediate/Advanced)
Sunday, August 13:
___ 12:00–1:30 pm “Elevate your Techniques for Milonga” (Intermediate)
___  2:00–3:30 pm “Nito’s Taquitos - Updated” (Intermediate/Advanced)
___  4:00–5:30 pm “Complex Enrosquses!” (Advanced) - Entrance to this class requires attendance at Saturday’s “Introduction to Nito’s Enroseques” unless exception granted by instructors &/or organizers
Monday, August 14 – Class only $15pp ; Class & Milonga $20pp; Milonga only $10pp
____   7:30–8:45 pm ”Adding Elegance to your Salidas especially in Vals”  (Intermediate) class before Monday’s El Milongon at Mariposa  (1803 W. Byron, Chicago )
Total enclosed   $____________      Check #______ payable to Phoebe J. Grant
Private Lessons 
___   (Interested in) Taking Private Lessons (Prices for Private Lessons shown below)
To pre-register or to schedule private lessons, contact Phoebe at 733-260-2595 or 312-342-4335(VM) or WindyCityTango at yahoo.com (allow 24 hours for response to email at this address; for immediate response, email TangoLadyChicago at tmail.com) and then bring this form and payment with you to your first class/workshop
Private lessons with Nito y Elba Garcia – Thursday, Aug. 10 thru Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2006
Pricing for private lessons with both Nito y Elba per hour:   Only $120 !!! 
WCT, Inc. offers a $10/hour maximum discount for each hour of private lessons with Nito y Elba with a paid workshop; NOTE - Thurs., Fri. & Mon. classes are not eligible for this discount; this discount is per hour NOT per person.  Rate may be discussed for small groups.  These rates do not include the cost of studio space if necessary; free space probably is available at Fred & Yermen’s home.     “Privacy” time or transportation time to your location will be billed at hourly rate.  Furthermore, a minimum of 24-hour advance and confirmed notification to either Phoebe J. Grant, Fred Romero or Nito y Elba for cancellation of a private lesson is required or you will be billed for the instructor’s time. 
To schedule private lessons with Nito y Elba, contact Phoebe J. Grant at (773) 260-2595 or WindyCityTango at yahoo.com.  
Watch for details on upcoming 2006 WCT, Inc. Events, including: 
°    Register now American Tango Institute’s INTERNATIONAL TANGO FESTIVAL in Chicago – August 24-27, 2006 – www.ChicagoTangoFest.com with Paulo Araujo
°    Paulo Araujo will return in October 2006!
Nito y Elba Garcia’s return visit to Chicago from August 9 thru 16, 2006 is A WindyCityTango, Inc. Event 2006 in cooperation with Fred & Yermen Romero
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