[Tango-A] NA-E: Ney and Jennifer in North Florida

Theo Bartek teo77 at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 1 16:44:41 EDT 2006

North Florida Regional Mini-Festival with Ney Melo and Jennifer Bratt 
Expert Teachers of Close Embrace Tango...
Rooted in the Traditions of the Neighborhood of Villa Urquizain in Buenos 
Giving Workshops for Intermediates and Beginners...In Gainesville, Florida
on October 27, 28, and 29th, 2006
   ...Join the FUN.  ...Feel the PASSION...of Close-Embrace Tango ...With 
True Masters of the Art!

**10 Workshops
**2  Tango Dances
**Live Music Saturday
**Thrilling Exhibitions

Dear Tango Friend,

Marsha and I are very excited to have Ney Melo and Jennifer Bratt from New 
York City and Buenos Aires come to Northern Florida to teach close embrace 
tango.   Ney Melo and Jennifer Bratt dance an elegant style of social tango 
which is rooted in the traditions of the neighborhood of Villa Urquiza in 
Buenos Aires. 
Their dance is defined by a smooth and graceful walk, a powerful sense of 
musicality, subtle steps entwined with intricate embellishments, and an 
intimate embrace. Their passion and respect for tango, its culture, and its 
music is clearly evidenced in their emotional dancing, as well as in their 

Ney and Jennifer have studied together with such maestros as Javier 
Rodriguez, Jorge Dispari y Maria del Carmen, Geraldine Rojas, and Julio 
Balmaceda y Corina de la Rosa. Together Jennifer and Ney teach 4 weekly 
group classes in NYC, travel almost every weekend to teach workshops and at 
festivals, and run 3 annual tours to Buenos Aires for dancers (where they 
live for 5 months of the year). 

Video of Ney and Jennifer Dancing Tango at the Yale Tango Festival:


Their of school of Tango Argentino, EL ABRAZO (which means The Embrace), is 
based in New York City at Empire Dance Studio and in their classes together 
they are dedicated to inspiring students to dance tango with feeling, 
musicality, cadencia, and connection - the way it is danced in Buenos Aires. 
The atmosphere in their classes is relaxed, personable and lively, and they 
place equal emphasis on the lady's role as the men's. 

Technique and the essence of tango, both fundamental to dancing well, are 
stressed in whatever step is being shown. Ney and Jennifer have recently 
taught and performed in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia, as well as 
extensively all over North America.

There will be separate tracks for Beginners and Intermediate/Advanced 
dancers. Ney and Jennifer have designed the classes in a way that beginners 
can feel success and advanced dancers can be challenged. 

We welcome tango dancers from Gainesville and all around the area: Tampa, 
Orlando, Melbourne, Sarasota, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, and St. Augustine, 
Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm, as well as Louisiana, Georgia, South 
Carolina, and North Carolina. (Testimonials from Past Participants)

Classes Friday, October 27:
Unified Training Center
809 W. University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601

Beginners-1:  6:30-7:45PM--Tango Rhythm & Musicality I (focus on rhythmic 
tangos) Cost: $35

Intermediate/Advanced-1: 8:00-9:15PM-- Tango Rhythm & Musicality II (focus 
on slow lyrical tangos)  Cost: $35

Classes Saturday, October 28:
Orion Fitness Center
3442 W. University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32607

Beginners-2: 12:00-1:15PM--Class 2. Technique: Putting it Together - 
Connection & Embrace  Cost: $35

Intermediate/Advanced-2: 1:30-2:45PM--Technique: Leaders 
Technique/Follower's Technique (split class)   Cost: $35

Beginners-3: 3:00-4:15PM--Turns Cost: $35

Intermediate/Advanced-3: 4:30-5:45PM--Vals  Cost: $35

Classes Sunday, October 29:
Orion Fitness Center
3442 W. University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32607

Beginners-4: 11:00-12:15PM--Pasos Muy Porteños (steps from BsAs milonga)  
Cost: $35

Intermediate/Advanced-4: 12:30PM-1:45PM-- Sacadas Cost: $35

Beginners-5: 2:00-3:15PM--Milonga Traspie Cost: $35

Intermediate/Advanced-5: 3:30-4:45PM--Boleos Cost: $35

Milonga Friday Night-October 27:
Unified Training Center
809 W. University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601

When:    9:00PM - ???-- Cost: $15

Milonga Saturday Night-October 28:
Unified Training Center
809 W. University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601

When:     8:30 - 12:30PM-- Cost: $25 -With live tango concert
Tango Music Concert Saturday Night: With String Quartet From Gainesville, 

Concert:  9:30-10:30PM
DJ: 8:30-9:30PM & 10:30-12:30PM

Workshop Prices: $35 each
Package Prices: 
Package #1. Five Workshops: $150, before September 15, 2006 and $170 after 
September 15, 2006.  
Package #2. Total Weekend-1 (Includes five workshops and two milongas): 
$160, before September 15, 2006 and $185 after September 15, 2006.
Package #3. Ten Workshops: $225, before September 15, 2006 and $245 after 
September 15, 2006.  
Package #4. Total Weekend-2 (Includes ten workshops and two milongas): $235, 
before September 15, 2006 and $260 after September 15, 2006.

Register: Pre-registration strongly encouraged. To register contact Teo 
Bartek at: 904-430-0335 or email teo77 at hotmail.com. Include your name, 
address, telephone number and email address, and the events you want to 

Private Lessons: Ney and Jennifer are available to teach private lessons on 
the afternoon of Friday, October 27.

Teo and Marsha Bartek
Tango From The Heart
teo778 at gmail.com

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