[Tango-A] NA-W: SDDTX Tango Festival Deadline Today

Tom Stermitz stermitz at tango.org
Thu Dec 14 12:48:55 EST 2006

Dear Tango Friends,

January 5 - 7, 2007
SDDTX San Diego Denver Tango Exchange

Town & Country Resort

Please note that you must register today to get the earlybird pricing  
and the $131 hotel room rates.

Earlybird pricing is as follows. Tomorrow things go up $5 or $10
  - Gold pass $135
  - Saturday arrival pass $120
  - Student Work-study pass $100
  - Workshop Only pass $85
  - Milonga Pass $55


Registration is going great for the festival. We expect 250-300  
people, which will make the SDDTX a goldilocks festival (not too  
large, not too small, just right).

Gender ratios are approximately even for the classes, with about 2%  
more women, and no restrictions at this time. Skill level is about  
1/3 each: Intermediate, Adv-Intermediate and Advanced/Professional.  
Buenos Aires experience is 55%, 3+ years of tango is also 55%


This Festival is produced by the same organizers as the Denver Labor  
Day and Memorial Day festivals. Our slogan is: "By Dancers, For  
Dancers", which means that we will emphasize social dancing, not  
performances. We have hired some of the top DJs in the country who  
will organized the music with Tandas and Curtinas. The milongas are  
arranged with tables surrounding the dance floor, and plenty of  
seating for the capeceo.

We ask the dancers to follow Buenos Aires style "rules of the  
road" (and that doesn't mean BsAs taxi drivers): Floors will be  
crowded, but courteous. Be careful with wild moves, keep boleos low  
to the ground, form 2 or 3 lanes at the outside of the dance floor,  
neither block traffic nor race about, catch his eye before merging  
into traffic.


Teachers are all chosen for their ability to create entertaining and  
creative classes. These teachers are community builders and will  
rotate partners. We have one intermediate and two Adv-Intermediate/ 
Advanced tracks. Level will be moderately high in the upper class as  
many experienced dancers take the classes to meet all the other  
dancers. Only the Intermediate class will present foundational  
vocabulary; The Upper classes assume that you already know how to  
dance pretty well, so the teachers will focus on musicality,  
techhnique, special topics.

Please see the website or email me for registration and more  

stermitz at tango.org

Tom Stermitz
2525 Birch St
Denver, CO 80207

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