[Tango-A] NA-E:8/26, Providence Longa Milonga, DJ Robin Thomas, Workshops w) Steph & Sherri

robin thomas niborsamoht at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 21 12:18:20 EDT 2006

Please come to the legendary Providence All Night
Milonga now called the Longa Milonga. Incredible food,
good music, comfy couches, good dancing.

Saturday the 26th 9pm


Address: 99 S. Bend, Pawtucket, RI. We are just north
of Providence proper, between Division St. and Johnson
Saturday, August 26. Sherri & Stephane Villeneuve from
Montreal will be stopping in to teach workshops at
ProvidenceTango. ONE DAY ONLY. Questions? Email
thuy at providencetango.com

Sherri and Stephane have been dancing tango since
1999. Tireless social dancers, they can be seen in
festivals across North America, dancing the night

Their main thought is that tango should be fun! When
teaching, they focus on strong fundamentals to foster
the understanding of the dance. They devote equal time
to explaining both leading and following techniques.
Their goal is to allow any dancer, whatever his
preferred style (close, open, crazy, contemplative...)
to feel more comfortable improvising with his/her

Tango Workshop Schedule
1-3pm, Loose Women in Tango, All Lvls. 
For leaders & followers, this class will introduce and
refine the importance of “looseness”, and readiness in
3-5pm, Boleo Shock Therapy, Int. 
Just when you thought you’d seen it all
innovative boleos.
5-7pm, Goofy Ganchos, Int/Adv. 
Serious Technique for ganchos that will make you blush

*each workshop will run 90minutes, followed by a 30
minute break/practica

$25 per workshop at the door
Early Registration. $40/2 workshops or $50/all 3
Register by mail: send a check, payable to
ProvidenceTango, to 99 South Bend Street, Pawtucket,
RI 02860
Register in-person (before Aug 26th): by check or cash
Register online: coming soon....

Limited Private Lesson space is available on Saturday
and Sunday. Contact thuy at providencetango.com to
reserve your spot.

. 7-9pm, TangoJam. 9pm, LongaMilonga, DJ Robin

Lounge * Laugh * Dine * Dance



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