[Tango-A] NA-C: One Month Notice: 7th Denver Milonguero Tangofest

Tom Stermitz stermitz at tango.org
Tue Aug 1 14:48:28 EDT 2006

Dear Tango Friends,

The 7th Denver Milonguero Tango Festival is just around the corner.  
This festival honors the great social dancers of Buenos Aires, with  
an emphasis on Close-embrace or Milonguero-style dancing. Over half  
of the attendees have experience in Buenos Aires milongas. Skill  
level is about 1/3 each Intermediate, Adv-Intermediate and Advanced/ 

Please finalize your plans for the Denver Milonguero Tango Festival  
over Labor Day weekend. Registrations and Payments are now due.

Class Titles and Assignments are up (mostly). These may still change  
a bit, so check again when you arrive.


Gender balance at this time includes a few too many women, so at this  
point registration is by COUPLES OR LEADERS ONLY. This may ease by  
festival date. Ladies Flying Solo! Find a gentleman from your  
community to register with. (You don't have to dance with him...).

Note that Frontier Airlines is doing a sale this week.

Note that you need to reserve your Doubletree Hotel rooms soon,  
before the reserved block disappears.


We expect about 400 people at the largest milonga, the famous Tango  
Colorado Outdoor BBQ. (This is about 50 people fewer than Memorial  
Day). The other milongas will run 250-300. This means floors will be  
crowded but courteous, HOWEVER, there will plenty of seating for  

Milongas will be set up for social dancing, meaning carefully  
delimited perimeter, seating OFF the floor, lighting so you can see  
the dancers. We ask that everyone adhere to the courtesies of good  
social dancing:
  - Use good floorcraft, neither race around, nor stay forever in one  
  - Respect the lanes, don't zig-zag across lanes.
  - Catch the eye of the on-coming leader before entering the outer  

At the Denver Festivals, most people use the cabaceo to find  
partners. This might be from across the room or from 10 feet away.  
Everyone will be glancing around trying to meet your eyes to catch a  


For a schedule, see the website http://LaEternaMilonga.com

Email works best for contacting me: Stermitz at tango.org

"Suspicion of strangers is a common human trait.  But so is  
curiosity, even fascination.  There's a reason that Romeo and Juliet  
is considered timeless.  The social structure has to fight hard to  
keep each new generation in line."

Tom Stermitz
Stermitz at tango.org
2525 Birch St
Denver, CO 80207

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