[Tango-A] NA-E:Oscar Casas and Mary Ann Henderson

TimmyTango@aol.com TimmyTango at aol.com
Thu Apr 27 20:25:21 EDT 2006

This is the weekend that Oscar Casas and Mary Ann Henderson come to 
Cleveland, Ohio for the Secrets of a Milonguero.

Due to illness, Ricardo Vidort was not able to attend this workshop.
In his place Ricardo is sending Oscar and Mary Ann

Friday night will be at Wooster College, in Wooster, Ohio
Saturday and Sunday workshops will be at the Ridgefield Recreation Center, in 
North Ridgeville, Ohio

Saturday nights milonga will be in conjunction with the Cleveland Public 
theater, who is holding an international music festival.
Eternal Tango will be performing a concert at 8:30 on Saturday night and 
Will be playing for the Milonga.
Avik Basu from the Michigan Tango Club in Ann Arbor Mich will DJ when the 
band goes on Break.

Monday night will be held a the Pilgrim Congressional Church on West 1th 
street. at 7:30

Tuesday night will be Back at Alegria in North Ridgeville.

For names of the classes or times, and places
Tim and Joanne Pogros
 <A HREF="www.tangocleveland.com">tangocleveland</A> 

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