<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Hello<br>Hope all of you
are doing well and are ready for the new semester. The THRA will have its
February monthly meeting on Monday 1 February 2016 at 8:45 pm in
the 24th floor lounge. All of you are welcome to attend the meeting and give valuable inputs.<br><br>The agenda is as follows:<br>1. Review of January socials (social chairs) - 10 mins<br>2. February socials + signups + Tang social calendar (social chairs) - 10 mins<br>3. Asking professors for guest lecture social (all) - 5 mins<br><div>4. Contacting Libby/nutritionist/FCU representative for a series of presentations (all) - 5 mins<br></div>5. Updates on the biking + photography social (Pronoy, Dawn, publicity chairs) - 10 mins<br><div>6.
Updates on maintenance and upkeep (suggestion boxes, gym, laundry room,
lounges, etc.) (Dorm coordinator and P&M chair) - 15 mins<br>7. Meeting with officers based on the results of the officers' survey (President, VP, Housemaster) - 5 mins<br>8. Results of the THRA survey by the residents (VP, IT chair) - 10 mins<br></div><div>9. THRA elections for the new board (President) - 10 mins<br>10. Financial and reimbursement updates + funds for renting ice rink (Treasurer) - 5 mins<br>11. Publicity for Resident Initiated Events (Publicity chairs) - 5 mins<br>12. Updating THRA award tags (Housemaster) - 5 mins<br></div>13. THRA year end retreat (President) - 5 mins<br><div>14. Any other points to be discussed (all) - 10 mins<br><br></div>Please let me know by Sunday 1/31 night if you are interested in attending the
meeting.<br><br></div>Best<br></div>Yashovardhan Chati<br></div>THRA President 2015-16<br></div>