<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Dear residents<br></div>The THRA will have its July meeting on Monday 6 July at 9 pm in the 1st floor lounge. You all are invited to this meeting. Please come to the <span class="">meeting</span> to give your valuable ideas in improving our residence.<br><br></div>Agenda:<br></div><div>1. Action on June agenda: 10 mins<br></div><div> a. Information documents (all concerned)<br></div><div> b. DVD player in 1st floor lounge (president)<br></div><div> c. Transparency efforts (IT chair)<br></div>2.
Feedback on June socials, discussion of social events for the July -
September cycle, upcoming events and signups (social chairs): 20 mins<br></div>3. Planning of the Orientation Olympics (sports chairs): 20 mins<br></div>4. Results of the Hubway interest survey (Pronoy): 10 mins<br></div>5. Implementation of suggestion boxes (dorm coordinator): 15 mins<br></div>6. Status of the composting program and purchasing of compostable utensils (recycling chair): 5 mins<br></div>7. Pro-cards for new social chairs (treasurer): 5 mins<br></div>8. Social/sports cabinet keys for new officers: 5 mins<br><br><b>Please let me know by Sunday</b> <b>7/5</b> if you are interested in attending the <span class="">meeting</span>.<br><br>Best,<div><br></div><div>Yashovardhan<br></div><div><span class="">THRA</span> President 2015-16<br></div>Tang website: <a href="http://tang.mit.edu" target="_blank">tang.mit.edu</a><br>