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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Arial;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">Reminder! Applications close in less than 48 hours.<br>
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<div class="PlainText">Thanks,<br>
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<div style="direction: ltr;" id="divRpF282419"><font color="#000000" face="Tahoma" size="2"><b>From:</b> tang-residents-bounces@MIT.EDU [tang-residents-bounces@MIT.EDU] on behalf of Harshad Dilip Khadilkar [harshadk@MIT.EDU]<br>
<b>Sent:</b> 08 March 2013 10:59 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> tang-residents@mit.edu<br>
<b>Subject:</b> [Tang-Residents] Be a part of the THRA for 2013-14<br>
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<div style="direction:ltr; font-family:Arial; color:#000000; font-size:10pt">Hello Tang residents,<br>
March is the time when the THRA renews its board membership, and makes the residents aware of open positions for next year. This time, we are happy to announce that there are a total of
<b>7 positions open on the THRA</b>: we need two sports chairs, three social chairs, 1 publicity chair and 1 dorm coordinator. An explanation of the responsibilities that go with each position can be found attached with this email.<br>
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Should you be interested in applying to be on the THRA for 2013-2014, please fill out the form at http://tang.mit.edu/tang-hall-residents-association/thra-application-form/. You will be notified of further procedures once the nomination deadline passes. If
you have any questions regarding responsibilities, schedules, etc, do join us for the<b>
<font size="3">icecream and information social this Sunday at 9 pm</font></b> in the 24th floor lounge! We will have several members of the THRA present to answer any queries.<br>
<font size="3"><b>Summary:</b></font><br>
<b>What:</b> THRA open positions for 2013-14 - two sports chairs, three social chairs, one publicity chair and one dorm coordinator<br>
<b>When:</b> Nominations open right now, and close on Friday March 15 at 5:00 pm EST.<br>
<b>How:</b> Go to <a href="http://tang.mit.edu/tang-hall-residents-association/thra-application-form/" target="_blank">
http://tang.mit.edu/tang-hall-residents-association/thra-application-form/</a> and fill out the form. If you are unsure of dates such as graduation, fill out approximate values.<br>
<font size="3"><b>Why:</b> <b>Several perks! </b></font><br>
1. You get to select your own room in Tang - no hassle of entering the housing lottery.
2. You also get to shape Tang's social scene - introduce the kind of socials that you would like to have, and we will support you!
3. On a more serious note, it is important to have responsible people leading a large residence like ours. The better our community spirit, the more we can enjoy our time at MIT.<br>
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<div class="PlainText">Thanks,<br>