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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">Greetings Tang:
<div>Hope you are well as we approach the end of the year.</div>
<div>Tomorrow we are having our first What Matters to Me and Why dinner of the year. We have been bringing professors and administrators from across campus to Tang for over 10 years to share their journey to MIT and what matters to them outside of it. This
is a great opportunity to ask questions and get sage advice in an informal setting from people who have successfully navigated the waters you find yourselves currently swimming in.</div>
<div>We will be serving Indian food with lots of vegetarian options at the speakers request. Hope you can snag one of those empty spots.</div>
<div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; ">RSVP to vgyadav@mit.edu<br>
<div>Dawn Anderson</div>