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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">Dear Tang Hall Residents:
<div>I am moved to send this message because of a few disturbing incidents that took place in Tang Hall recently.</div>
<div>Several items have been stolen, in separate incidents, over the past few weeks and the ping pong table in the 1st floor lounge was vandalized last night. I have even witnessed residents stuffing an entire bowl of candy into their pockets disregarding
the fact that it is there to be shared with other members of the the community. I am not sure what is going on. Things like this has never happened with such frequency before. </div>
<div>So to all residents, I ask that you play a role in taking care of Tang. Please use extra precautions in storing your items. Lock your doors and keep an eye on your surroundings reporting anything of concern. Do not leave personal items in places where
they will not be monitored. Also, make sure guests follow dorm policy and respect dorm property. And for the candy dish thieves...COME ON!! REALLY?? Remember we are a community and being a part of a community means respecting your neighbors and leaving
things better than you found them. </div>
<div>If you know who vandalized the ping pong table or if you witness any vandalism or breaking of dorm policies/properties (including theft), we strongly encourage you to report this to Michael Collins (collinsm@mit.edu). </div>
<div>Thanks for your cooperation.</div>
<div>Dawn Anderson</div>
<div>Housemaster </div>