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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">Greetings Tang Hall:
<div>Welcome new and returning residents to the Spring 2012 semester in Tang. </div>
<div>Larry and I would like to begin the semester by inviting you to the Men's Basketball Team's, final regular season home game against Babson College, 2/8/12. The team is having a record breaking year and is currently ranked 5th in the country, so support
your Engineers as they show the world that nerds can jump! The game starts at 6pm and will end in time for Tang's Ice Cream social at 9pm in the 24th floor lounge. If you'd like pizza before the game in the Z-center, please rsvp by responding to this email.</div>
<div>We hope you will also take time to visit the amenities here in the building (the downstair lounge with TV, pool and ping pong table), the music room (with a grand piano) and the full gym (located in the subbasement). We also hope you will consider joining
one of Tang's many intramural sports teams and/or participating in the free Saturday morning yoga class in the 24th floor lounge. </div>
<div>There are a couple of updates in the dorm we must bring to your attention: </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Due to recent events that have compromised the safety and security of Tang residents, we have changed the usage of the lounges. 1) Alcohol is no longer permitted in the lounges and 2) the suggested size of reserved events in the lounge should not exceed
40 people. It is imperative that we and our guests follow the expectations of the dorm (smoke free, quiet hours, etc...) and respect the residents in neighboring apartments (thin walls, no loitering in halls). Please refer to the Residential Life webpage
and the Tang Hall website to review expectations. Links are below. If you have questions feel free to contact me.</div>
<div><a href="http://housing.mit.edu/about/policies_procedures_residences" target="_blank">http://housing.mit.edu/about/policies_procedures_residences</a></div>
<div><a href="http://tang.mit.edu/new_webdesign/" target="_blank">http://tang.mit.edu/new_webdesign/</a></div>
<div>One other change to the lounge...we now have a blu-ray disc player so you can watch DVDs and Blu-rays upstairs. If not already, it will soon be secured for your access. We are also in the process up updating games.</div>
<div>Enjoy the semester Tang and don't forget to take a break!</div>
<div>Dawn Anderson, Housemaster</div>
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