Starting tomorrow and possibly into Thursday we will be testing and
doing a survey at Tang Hall for future installation of a wireless network
on every floor.<br><br>
This will require a representative and myself to enter several rooms (at
random) top to bottom to take signal reading. We will only be spending
less than a minute in each room.<br>
Once the data has been collect the work will go out for bid. Once a
contractor is determined the work will start immediately.<br><br>
Once I receive additional information I shall pass this along to all
residents. <br><br>
Thanks for your patience and cooperation.<br><br>
<font color="#000080">Michael Collins<br>
Manager <br>
Tang Residence Hall<br>
Westgate Apartments<br>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br>
Housing Department<br>
W84-104 617-253-5146 <br>