[Tang-Residents] THRA monthly meeting | April 3rd, Monday 8:45 PM | 24th floor lounge

Parnika Agrawal parnika at mit.edu
Sat Apr 1 21:02:43 EDT 2017

Dear residents,

The Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA) would like to welcome you to our next monthly meeting on Monday, April 3rd at 8:45 PM in the 24th floor lounge. The agenda is as follows:

1.       Review of March socials + Upcoming socials + Submission of post-event reports + Updating social calendar (Social Chairs)

2.       Resident-initiated event: Cooking Series (Social Chairs)

3.       IM Updates (Sports Chairs)

4.       Financial Issues if any ( Treasurer)

5.       Updates on purchases, maintenance and upkeep + suggestions from residents (Purchasing and Maintenance Chair, Dorm Coordinators)

6.       Website Kerberos integration + Setup of voting (IT Chair)

7.       Election updates (Vice President)

8.       THRA wrap-up - voting for awards + year end THRA review (Vice President)

9.       THRA year-end retreat - any important suggestions (Vice President)

If you have any ideas for us to discuss, you can submit an agenda item here<http://tang.mit.edu/tang-hall-residents-association/submit-thra-agenda-item/>. If you'd like to join us in the meeting, please RSVP by Monday noon. Dinner will be provided. Please bring your own utensils and help Tang go green.

Parnika Agrawal
President, Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA)

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