#################################### ## StarCluster Configuration File ## #################################### [global] # Configure the default cluster template to use when starting a cluster # defaults to 'smallcluster' defined below. This template should be usable # out-of-the-box provided you've configured your keypair correctly DEFAULT_TEMPLATE=gibbons ################################# ## Defining Access Credentials ## ################################# [aws info] AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = XXXX AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = XXXX AWS_USER_ID = XXXX AWS_REGION_NAME = us-east-1b AWS_REGION_HOST = ec2.us-east-1b.amazonaws.com ########################### ## Defining EC2 Keypairs ## ########################### [key sg_cluster] KEY_LOCATION=~/.ssh/sg_cluster.rsa ################################ ## Defining Cluster Templates ## ################################ [cluster gibbons] MASTER_IMAGE_ID = ami-9bc9a7f2 NODE_IMAGE_ID = ami-9bc9a7f2 CLUSTER_USER = ubuntu KEYNAME = sg_cluster CLUSTER_SIZE = 1 MASTER_INSTANCE_TYPE = t1.micro NODE_INSTANCE_TYPE = m3.2xlarge PLUGINS = sge DISABLE_QUEUE = True AVAILABILITY_ZONE = us-east-1b ##################################### ## Configuring StarCluster Plugins ## ##################################### [plugin sge] setup_class = starcluster.plugins.sge.SGEPlugin master_is_exec_host = False