Hi All,<br><br>I seem to be having a similar problem as described in a closed github issue:<br><a href="https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/2171">https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/2171</a><br><br>the plugin hangs on the following line:<br>
>>> Waiting for JSON connector file.../<br><br>According to the issue tracker the it's been resolved. However, I just cloned the latest git repo and the plugin never makes it past the "JSON connector file" line<br>
<br>Notes:<br><br>AMI: ami-15893d7c<br>Linux 3.2.20-1.29.6 x86_64 <br>Amazon Linux AMI release 2012.03 (CentOS)<br>IPython 0.13<br>StarCluster 0.93.3<br><br>Any ideas on how to proceed?<br><br>--Ben<br>