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Justin you are correct, what you describe below is the exact way people
used to consume more than one job slot (or block off an entire machine
for a single non-parallel job back before exclusive host access was
available. We often referred to this method on the SGE lists as the
"threaded PE" or "threaded PE hack." for people looking for background
info. <br>
Dedicated clusters would make a dummy parallel environment called
"threaded" or "SMP" for this method but in starcluster just consuming
slots from the orte PE should work fine. <br>
My $.02<br>
Justin Riley wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4F47AE74.3060109@mit.edu" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Correct me if I'm wrong but if you modify the 'orte' parallel
environment on StarCluster to use the '$pe_slots' allocation_rule:
$ qconf -mp orte
allocation_rule $pe_slots
then according to the SGE docs:
"If the special denominator $pe_slots is used, the full range of
processes as specified with the qsub(1) -pe switch has to be allocated
on a single host (no matter which value belonging to the range is
finally chosen for the job to be allocated)."
So from my understanding after making the above change the following
would use all 8 slots on a single machine for a single job:
$ qsub -cwd -pe orte 8 ./jobscript.sh
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