Hi there,<br><br>I started a 4-node EC2 cluster using 0.92rc2, and ami-a5c42dcc, standard starcluster 9.04 x64 ami.<br><br>I ran into the following issue while doing some basic sge setup. At first qconf worked fine, then a few minutes later...<br>
<br>root@master:/mnt/NAS1/simulations/CDI_0615_amazon/logs# qconf -sq all.q<br>error: commlib error: access denied (client IP resolved to host name "domU-12-31-39-09-80-C1.compute-1.internal". This is not identical to clients host name "master").<br>
<br>after issuing<br><br> root@master: ~# hostname master<br><br>I was able to proceed normally, and launch my sge jobs. They were running normally, confirmed by the output of qstat.<br><br>However, some minutes later, when checking on them with another qstat, I got the same thing again.<br>
<br>root@master:/mnt/NAS1/simulations/CDI_0615_amazon/logs# qstat -f<br>
error: commlib error: access denied (client IP resolved to host name
"domU-12-31-39-09-80-C1.compute-1.internal". This is not identical to
clients host name "master").<br><br>resetting the hostname was to no avail.<br><br>root@master: ~ # hostname<br>master<br>root@master: ~ # hostname master<br>root@master:/mnt/NAS1/simulations/CDI_0615_amazon/logs# qstat -f<br>
error: commlib error: access denied (client IP resolved to host name
"domU-12-31-39-09-80-C1.compute-1.internal". This is not identical to
clients host name "master").<br><br>So I tried this <br><br> root@master: ~# hostname domU-12-31-39-09-80-C1.compute-1.internal<br><br>which yielded, vice versa...<br><br>root@master:/mnt/NAS1/simulations/CDI_0615_amazon/logs# qstat -f<br>
error: commlib error: access denied (client IP resolved to host name "master". This is not identical to clients host name "domU-12-31-39-09-80-C1.compute-1.internal")<br><br>Setting the hostname back to master "hostname master") at this point yields correct operation for a few minutes.<br>
<br><br>It seems clear the problem has to do with doubled hostnames, but where are they set? Has anyone else had a similar problem?<br><br>Thank you,<br><br>Robert Tomkiewicz<br><br><br><br>/etc/hostname is simply <br><br>
master<br><br><br>/etc/hosts is below:<br><br> localhost<br><br># The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts<br>::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback<br>fe00::0 ip6-localnet<br>ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix<br>ff02::1 ip6-allnodes<br>
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters<br>ff02::3 ip6-allhosts<br> master<br> node001<br> node002<br> node003<br><br><br><br><br>