Hi Starcluster list:<br><br>I've just installed starcluster, and it looks great! I'm really looking forward to using it. <br><br>Something that I've run into is that I 'd like to numpy the version of numpy to 1.3, and rebundle the AMI. I have a couple of questions about doing this:<br>
<br>1) In building numpy, how do I tell it where the optimized LAPACK libraries are? I have a general sense of the environment variables that I'd have to set, but I don't specifically understand which optimized libraries you guys have built on Starcluster, and how I would exactly tell numpy configuration where those libraries are? I have just tried to install numpy 1.3, withou setting any environment variables, ... and I get output like this during the build:<br>
<br> atlas_threads_info:<br> Setting PTATLAS=ATLAS<br> libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/lib<br> libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/local/lib<br> libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib64/atlas<br>
<br> lapack_info:<br> libraries lapack not found in /usr/local/lib<br> libraries lapack not found in /usr/lib64<br> libraries lapack not found in /usr/lib<br> NOT AVAILABLE<br><br><br>... even though I can clearly see that there are lots of lapack and atlas libraries in those directories. Any suggestions on this would be great. <br>
<br><br>2) Even though I've installed numpy 1.3, this doesn't seem to be "registering" with the python install, e.g. 1.2.1 still seems to be the one that python is linked to:<br><br><br>In [1]: import numpy<br>
In [2]: numpy.version.version<br>Out[2]: '1.2.1'<br><br>Why is this, and how do I resolve it? (Sorry for asking here ... I know this is probably a really dumb question that's more about Python than StarCluster, but I've never encountered this issue before. I figured I'd ask here first before writing to the Python list.)<br>
<br><br>3) Finally, do you expect that I'll have any problems in rebundling the AMI? Is this a common procedure that others have used? What issues should I expect to encounter (esp. with SSH keygen), if any? I have had serious problems re-bundling other AMIs, so I'm just wondering whether people have much experience with this AMI.<br>
<br><br>Thanks -- and I apologize for the long email with multiple parts!<br><br>best,<br>Dan<br>