[StarCluster] Instance Types list

Shlomit Afgin shlomit.afgin at weizmann.ac.il
Mon Jun 13 06:18:55 EDT 2016

Your answer is very helpful - Thanks a lot.

I still have one problem, when I run:
      curl --silent https://raw.githubusercontent.com/garnaat/missingcloud/master/aws.json | jq -c '[.services."Elastic Compute Cloud".instance_types|to_entries|.[]|.key]’

To get the list of all available instances type, it don’t give me : t2.medium, t2.micro and t2.small
Is there anyway to get the full list?


On 10/06/2016, 4:19 PM, "MacMullan IV, Hugh" <hughmac at wharton.upenn.edu> wrote:

>Hi Shlomit:
>t1.* m1.* c1.* m2.* do NOT support HVM AMIs. All the rest do. So:
>INSTANCE_TYPE=${1:?Need an instance type}
>if [[ -z $( echo $INSTANCE_TYPE | grep -e "^t1" -e "^m1" -e "^c1" -e "^m2" ) ]]; then
>   echo "OK (IS an HVM instance type)"
>    echo "NOT OK (IS NOT an HVM instance type)"
>exit 0
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Shlomit Afgin [mailto:shlomit.afgin at weizmann.ac.il] 
>Sent: Monday, June 6, 2016 9:46 AM
>To: Rayson Ho <raysonlogin at gmail.com>; MacMullan IV, Hugh <hughmac at wharton.upenn.edu>
>Cc: starcluster <starcluster at mit.edu>
>Subject: Re: [StarCluster] Instance Types list
>Maybe I wasn’t clear, 
>I want to use local script that will display to the user the supported types. 
>The user will choose the type, I will check the value the user enter against the list.
>if everything okay a config file will be created 
>When the user run ‘starcluster start …’ he will not failed because the instance type checked before.
>I tried with the command: 
>    curl --silent https://raw.githubusercontent.com/garnaat/missingcloud/master/aws.json | jq -c '[.services."Elastic Compute Cloud".instance_types|to_entries|.[]|.key]’
>But it give me also types that not supported by HVM.
>Another thing,
>I use ‘aws cli …’ in the documentation, it said that if the return code is 0 the command was successful with no error.
>I run it to create volume, if failed with error 
>"A client error (VolumeLimitExceeded…"
>But the return code is still 0. Why?
>On 06/06/2016, 3:52 PM, "Rayson Ho" <raysonlogin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Shlomit, you picked a PV instance type (t1.micro) but you did not
>>specify a PV AMI. You can either keep the same instance type but use a
>>PV AMI, or keep the HVM AMI but use an instance type of HVM.
>>You can get more detail on this at:
>>Open Grid Scheduler - The Official Open Source Grid Engine
>>On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 8:22 AM, MacMullan IV, Hugh
>><hughmac at wharton.upenn.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Shlomit:
>>> It's right there in the error.
>>> -Hugh
>>> On Jun 6, 2016, at 07:17, Shlomit Afgin <shlomit.afgin at weizmann.ac.il> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I tried to run 'starcluster start …’  with unsupported type, I get the error:
>>>     !!! ERROR - Cluster settings are not valid:
>>>     !!! ERROR - Incompatible node_image_id and node_instance_type:
>>>     !!! ERROR - Image ‘ami-xxxxx' is a hardware virtual machine (HVM)
>>>     !!! ERROR - image and cannot be used with instance type 't1.micro'.
>>>     !!! ERROR -
>>>     !!! ERROR - HVM images require one of the following HVM instance types:
>>>     !!! ERROR - cc1.4xlarge, cc2.8xlarge, g2.2xlarge, cg1.4xlarge,
>>>     !!! ERROR - cr1.8xlarge, i2.xlarge, i2.2xlarge, i2.4xlarge, i2.8xlarge,
>>>     !!! ERROR - r3.large, r3.xlarge, r3.2xlarge, r3.4xlarge, r3.8xlarge,
>>>     !!! ERROR - t2.micro, t2.small, t2.medium, hi1.4xlarge, hs1.8xlarge,
>>>     !!! ERROR - m3.medium, m3.large, m3.xlarge, m3.2xlarge, c3.large,
>>>     !!! ERROR - c3.xlarge, c3.2xlarge, c3.4xlarge, c3.8xlarge
>>> How can I get a list of supported instance type  by HVM to avoid this error?
>>> Is there any command that can give those results?
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> Shlomit.
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