[StarCluster] Run script automatic after the cluster is up

Shlomit Afgin shlomit.afgin at weizmann.ac.il
Mon Jul 18 09:35:47 EDT 2016





The AMI of the cluster contain  logstash configuration. 

The logstash configuration file contain something like:

input {

      file {

        path => "/opt/sge6/default/common/accounting"   # path of the log file 

           type => "masterX"                      # tag name


In order to identify the specific cluster  on the logstash server, I need to have unique type for each cluster. (masterX in the example above )

I thought to run a script after the cluster is up, that change the ‘masterX’ with master-id or cluster name and then restart the logstash agent


1.       How can I run script automatic after the cluster is up?

2.       How can I know the master id, within the master command line, in order to insert it in the type line?




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