[StarCluster] sge job array stalling

Marc Crepeau mcrepeau at ucdavis.edu
Wed Jul 13 12:51:36 EDT 2016

I tried to run an SGE job array using Starcluster on a cluster of 8 c3.4xlarge instances.  The program I was trying to run is a perl program called fragScaff.pl.  You start it once and it creates a job array batch script which it then submits with a qsub command.  The original process runs in the background, continuously monitoring the spawned processes for completion.  The job array batch script (run_array.csh) looks like this:

#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -cwd
#$ -V
COMMAND=$(head -n $SGE_TASK_ID ./join_default_params.r1.fragScaff/job_array.txt | tail -n 1)

and the job_array.txt file looks like this:

perl fragScaff.pl -Q ./join_default_params.r1.fragScaff,697848,0,99 -r 1 -M 200
perl fragScaff.pl -Q ./join_default_params.r1.fragScaff,697848,100,199 -r 1 -M 200
perl fragScaff.pl -Q ./join_default_params.r1.fragScaff,697848,200,299 -r 1 -M 200
perl fragScaff.pl -Q ./join_default_params.r1.fragScaff,697848,300,399 -r 1 -M 200
perl fragScaff.pl -Q ./join_default_params.r1.fragScaff,697848,697800,697848 -r 1 -M 200

The qsub command looks like this:

qsub -t 1-6780 -N FSCF_nnnnnnnn -b y -l h_vmem=20G,virtual_free=20G ./join_default_params.r1.fragScaff/run_array.csh

The first problem I had was that once the job array threads started spawning the original thread, running on the master node, would be killed, apparently by the kernel.  I figured maybe there was some memory resource constraint, so I edited the Starcluster config file so that the master node would not be an execution host, following the instructions here:


Then I re-launched the cluster and tried again.  This time no job array jobs ran on the master node, and the original process was not killed.  However after a fraction of the subprocesses (maybe several hundred) had spawned and completed the job array stalled out.  All remaining jobs ended up in qw state, and a qhost command showed all the nodes idle.

Any ideas what might have happened and/or how I might diagnose the problem further?
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