[StarCluster] Despite passing -b flag, starcluster starts an on-demand instance

Peter Wilcock peter.wilcock at igmm.ed.ac.uk
Sat Jan 10 09:51:17 EST 2015

Hi Arman,

I believe to make the master node spot you require another flag, -force-spot-master.

I believe this isn't in the official documentation however and I'd recommend its inclusion to anyone reading!



On 10 January 2015 14:15:09 GMT+00:00, Arman Eshaghi <arman.eshaghi at gmail.com> wrote:
>Dear all,
>Whenever I try to start a one-node cluster with the following command,
>while I'm passing -b option with a spot bid, starcluster starts an
>on-demand instance. The command is for
>starcluster start -s 1 -i c3.large -b 0.5 -l mycluster
>As far as I know, command line options will supersede other
>(.starcluster), is this right? I would appreciate any pointers here.
>All the best,
>StarCluster mailing list
>StarCluster at mit.edu
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