Andrea La Rizza andrea.larizza at alef.it
Mon Apr 27 10:36:15 EDT 2015

Hi All,
I'm creating a complex project, and what I want to do is to launch the 
command "starclster start my custer" by pressing a button in a java 
swing interface.
I have created a script called run with the command inside, and what I 
do in my java cose is:

String[] cmd = new String[2];
                         cmd[0] = "sh";
                         cmd[1] = "run";
                         // create runtime to execute external command
                         Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                         //Process pr = rt.exec("/path/to/script/run");
                         Process pr = rt.exec(cmd);

If I run the script from shall it works, i i press the button nothing 
happens. Is there someone that have done something similar? Thanks.

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