[StarCluster] Starcluster - refresh to spot market price

ronen artzi ronen.artzi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 16:47:13 EDT 2014


We are running a cluster with spot market instances. As the spot market
price changed dramatically for the specific instance types we had , our
nodes had terminated ( as expected ) .

It seems ( do we do something wrong ? ) that as we try to launch a new node
, there is no way to indicate a new spot market price ?

Is there a way to refresh / reload and adjust the price once the
controller/master  is up and running ? Where does the current bid price we
are ok to pay saved ?


   - Ronen
    Cell: +1-508-308-2417
    My profiles: [image: LinkedIn]
<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ronen-artzi/0/30/4b9> [image: Tungle.me]
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