[StarCluster] bug report

Drausin Wulsin wulsin at seas.upenn.edu
Sat Jan 19 16:59:57 EST 2013


First off, thank you thank you thank for making such a great product in
Starcluster. I'm fairly new to Amazon cloud computing, and Starcluster has
make it so easy to spin up a cluster of machines for my research.

I was resizing a 100GB attached volume to 500GB using the "resizevolume"
command, and it got pretty far along but then crashed. I've attached the
bug report and also pasted the terminal output below.

In the end, I finished the resize manually using resize2fs, umounted my old
(100 GB) volume and mounted the new one. So things seem ok.

Looking forward to release of version 0.94 so I can use one of the Ubuntu
12.04 AMIs, which have should have current glibc libraries that will play
nicer with my own Ubuntu 12.04 machine!

Thanks again!
- Drausin

drausin at Edgar: AWS $ starcluster resizevolume -H i-6fb4d01e vol-87d06df9 500
StarCluster - (http://web.mit.edu/starcluster) (v. 0.93.3)
Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR)
Please submit bug reports to starcluster at mit.edu

>>> Using specified host instance i-6fb4d01e
>>> Waiting for instance i-6fb4d01e to come up...
>>> Checking for required remote commands...
>>> Creating snapshot of volume: vol-87d06df9
>>> Waiting for snapshot to complete: snap-88a505c6
snap-88a505c6: |//////////                                 | 25% ETA:

snap-88a505c6: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100% Time:
>>> Creating 500GB volume in zone us-east-1d from snapshot snap-88a505c6
>>> New volume id: vol-074c0379
>>> Waiting for new volume to become 'available'...
>>> Attaching volume vol-074c0379 to instance i-6fb4d01e...
No handlers could be found for logger "ssh.transport"
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 255, in main
line 86, in execute
    new_volid = vc.resize(vol, size, dest_zone=self.opts.dest_zone)
line 316, in resize
    device = self._get_volume_device()
line 117, in _get_volume_device
    if inst.ssh.path_exists(dev):
line 306, in path_exists
line 371, in stat
    return self.sftp.stat(path)
line 337, in stat
    t, msg = self._request(CMD_STAT, path)
line 635, in _request
    return self._read_response(num)
line 667, in _read_response
    raise SSHException('Server connection dropped: %s' % (str(e),))
SSHException: Server connection dropped:

!!! ERROR - Oops! Looks like you've found a bug in StarCluster
!!! ERROR - Crash report written to:
!!! ERROR - Please remove any sensitive data from the crash report
!!! ERROR - and submit it to starcluster at mit.edu
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---------- CRASH DETAILS ----------
COMMAND: starcluster resizevolume -H i-6fb4d01e vol-87d06df9 500
2013-01-19 09:08:46,640 PID: 6931 config.py:551 - DEBUG - Loading config
2013-01-19 09:08:46,641 PID: 6931 config.py:118 - DEBUG - Loading file: /home/drausin/.starcluster/config
2013-01-19 09:08:46,648 PID: 6931 awsutils.py:54 - DEBUG - creating self._conn w/ connection_authenticator kwargs = {'proxy_user': None, 'proxy_pass': None, 'proxy_port': None, 'proxy': None, 'is_secure': True, 'path': '/', 'region': None, 'port': None}
2013-01-19 09:08:47,098 PID: 6931 volume.py:62 - INFO - Using specified host instance i-6fb4d01e
2013-01-19 09:08:47,098 PID: 6931 cluster.py:1140 - INFO - Waiting for instance i-6fb4d01e to come up...
2013-01-19 09:08:47,197 PID: 6931 __init__.py:75 - DEBUG - loading private key /home/drausin/.ssh/SC_key.rsa
2013-01-19 09:08:47,198 PID: 6931 __init__.py:167 - DEBUG - Using private key /home/drausin/.ssh/SC_key.rsa (rsa)
2013-01-19 09:08:47,198 PID: 6931 __init__.py:97 - DEBUG - connecting to host ec2-107-20-41-108.compute-1.amazonaws.com on port 22 as user root
2013-01-19 09:08:47,598 PID: 6931 __init__.py:186 - DEBUG - creating sftp connection
2013-01-19 09:08:49,169 PID: 6931 volume.py:187 - INFO - Checking for required remote commands...
2013-01-19 09:08:49,280 PID: 6931 __init__.py:543 - DEBUG - /sbin/resize2fs
2013-01-19 09:08:49,281 PID: 6931 awsutils.py:1019 - INFO - Creating snapshot of volume: vol-87d06df9
2013-01-19 09:08:49,560 PID: 6931 awsutils.py:1002 - INFO - Waiting for snapshot to complete: snap-88a505c6
2013-01-19 12:27:15,271 PID: 6931 volume.py:95 - INFO - Creating 500GB volume in zone us-east-1d from snapshot snap-88a505c6
2013-01-19 12:27:16,227 PID: 6931 volume.py:97 - INFO - New volume id: vol-074c0379
2013-01-19 12:27:16,228 PID: 6931 cluster.py:1140 - INFO - Waiting for new volume to become 'available'...
2013-01-19 12:27:22,359 PID: 6931 cluster.py:1140 - INFO - Attaching volume vol-074c0379 to instance i-6fb4d01e...
2013-01-19 12:43:34,090 PID: 6931 cli.py:287 - DEBUG - Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/StarCluster-0.93.3-py2.7.egg/starcluster/cli.py", line 255, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/StarCluster-0.93.3-py2.7.egg/starcluster/commands/resizevolume.py", line 86, in execute
    new_volid = vc.resize(vol, size, dest_zone=self.opts.dest_zone)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/StarCluster-0.93.3-py2.7.egg/starcluster/volume.py", line 316, in resize
    device = self._get_volume_device()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/StarCluster-0.93.3-py2.7.egg/starcluster/volume.py", line 117, in _get_volume_device
    if inst.ssh.path_exists(dev):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/StarCluster-0.93.3-py2.7.egg/starcluster/sshutils/__init__.py", line 306, in path_exists
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/StarCluster-0.93.3-py2.7.egg/starcluster/sshutils/__init__.py", line 371, in stat
    return self.sftp.stat(path)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ssh-1.7.13-py2.7.egg/ssh/sftp_client.py", line 337, in stat
    t, msg = self._request(CMD_STAT, path)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ssh-1.7.13-py2.7.egg/ssh/sftp_client.py", line 635, in _request
    return self._read_response(num)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ssh-1.7.13-py2.7.egg/ssh/sftp_client.py", line 667, in _read_response
    raise SSHException('Server connection dropped: %s' % (str(e),))
SSHException: Server connection dropped: 

---------- SYSTEM INFO ----------
StarCluster: 0.93.3
Python: 2.7.3 (default, Aug  1 2012, 05:14:39)  [GCC 4.6.3]
Platform: Linux-3.2.0-34-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-12.04-precise
boto: 2.3.0
ssh: 1.7.13
Crypto: 2.4.1
jinja2: 2.6
decorator: 3.3.1

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