[StarCluster] Volume questions

Brian Osborne bosborne11 at verizon.net
Sun Jan 27 15:42:17 EST 2013


I've created an EBS in us-east-1d that I can attach, detach, mount and mount on various EC2 instances. I can see that it's "available" in console.aws.amazon.com. But when I try to use it in a cluster I see:

>>> Validating cluster template settings...
!!! ERROR - volume vol-2a717454 does not exist

Here's some excerpts from my config:

AWS_REGION_NAME = us-east-1


[volume bio]
VOLUME_ID = vol-2a717454

On the other hand I can use "createvolume". I guess I have 2 questions:

- can I use the EBS I've created by hand?
- if not, what's the best way of getting the content of my EBS into the volume I create using "createvolume"?

Thank you,

Brian O.

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