[StarCluster] Can no longer connect to IPython clusters from a remote notebook

MinRK benjaminrk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 16:15:55 EDT 2012

IPython 0.14 rewrites the connection/handshake step, as well as
serialization.  It is not compatible with 0.13, so you have to upgrade all
IPythons  in a given cluster (engine, controller, and client) at once.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Alessandro Gagliardi
<alessandro at path.com>wrote:

> I had been able to run IPython Notebook locally and connect to StarCluster
> using:
> rc =
> Client('/home/alessandro/.starcluster/ipcluster/myfourthcluster-us-west-1.json',
> sshkey='/home/alessandro/.ssh/path-ops.pem', packer='pickle')
> I upgraded IPython from 0.12 to 0.13 and it worked for the most part,
> though I had some trouble at times, so following the advice at
> https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/2171 I upgraded to 0.14. After
> restarting myfourthcluster I was no longer able to connect. I was still
> running 0.13 locally and was able to generate the attached crash report. I
> noticed that my local copy of IPython was looking for a "url" field in the
> JSON file which now looks like:
> {
>   "control": XXXXX,
>   "task": XXXXX,
>   "notification": XXXXX,
>   "task_scheme": "leastload",
>   "mux": XXXXX,
>   "iopub": XXXXX,
>   "ssh": "sgeadmin at ec2-XX-XX-XX-XX.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com",
>   "registration": XXXXX,
>   "interface": "tcp://XX.XX.XX.XX",
>   "pack": "pickle",
>   "unpack": "pickle",
>   "location": "XX.XX.XX.XX"
> }
> I noticed that a JSON file I had for an older instance looked quite
> different:
> {
>   "url": "tcp:///XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXXX",
>   "ssh": "sgeadmin at ec2-XX-XX-XX-XX.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com",
>   "location": "XX.XX.XX.XX"
> }
> I tried adding a "url" field but could not figure out what to fill it with.
> I then figured that the problem could be because of a mismatch between
> 0.13 on my local machine and 0.14 remotely, so I upgraded.
> Now when I try the above Client command, it hangs indefinitely.
> Please help!
> Thank you,
> -Alessandro
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